
Variable Question text Label
ts001_1^FLWeekList[1]day 1 worked or not
ts001_2^FLWeekList[2]day 2 worked or not
ts001_3^FLWeekList[3]day 3 worked or not
ts001_4^FLWeekList[4]day 4 worked or not
ts001_5^FLWeekList[5]day 5 worked or not
ts001_6^FLWeekList[6]day 6 worked or not
ts001_7^FLWeekList[7]day 7 worked or not
ts001_random_nonworkrandomly selected non work day
ts001_random_weekrandomly selected week day
ts001_random_weekendrandomly selected weekend day
ts001_random_workrandomly selected work day
ts001_total_worknumber of work days
ts002_nonwork_activeactive hours on non work day
ts002_nonwork_totalTotaltotal hours on non work day
ts002_work_activeactive hours on work day
ts002_work_totalTotaltotal hours on work day
ts002a_nonworkSleepingSleeping non work day
ts002a_workSleepingSleeping work day
ts002b_nonworkWork, school, or related activitiesWork, school, or related activities non work day
ts002b_workWork, school, or related activitiesWork, school, or related activities work day
ts002c_nonworkCommuting to and from work or schoolCommuting to and from work or school non work day
ts002c_workCommuting to and from work or schoolCommuting to and from work or school work day
ts002d_nonworkPersonal activities (e.g. self-care, household tasks, leisure, or care-taking)Personal activities (e.g. self-care, household tasks, leisure, or care-taking) non work day
ts002d_workPersonal activities (e.g. self-care, household tasks, leisure, or care-taking)Personal activities (e.g. self-care, household tasks, leisure, or care-taking) work day
ts003_week_activeactive hours on week day
ts003_week_totalTotaltotal hours on week day
ts003_weekend_activeactive hours on weekend day
ts003_weekend_totalTotaltotal hours on weekend day
ts003a_weekSleepingSleeping week day
ts003a_weekendSleepingSleeping weekend day
ts003b_weekWork, school, or related activitiesWork, school, or related activities week day
ts003b_weekendWork, school, or related activitiesWork, school, or related activities weekend day
ts003c_weekCommuting to and from work or schoolCommuting to and from work or school week day
ts003c_weekendCommuting to and from work or schoolCommuting to and from work or school weekend day
ts003d_weekPersonal activities (e.g. self-care, household tasks, leisure, or care-taking)Personal activities (e.g. self-care, household tasks, leisure, or care-taking) week day
ts003d_weekendPersonal activities (e.g. self-care, household tasks, leisure, or care-taking)Personal activities (e.g. self-care, household tasks, leisure, or care-taking) weekend day
ts004_totalTotaltotal hours where spent on work day
ts004aAt homeAt home work day
ts004bIn your neighborhood, but not at homeIn your neighborhood, but not at home work day
ts004cOutside your neighborhoodOutside your neighborhood work day
ts005_totalTotaltotal hours where spent on non work day
ts005aAt homeAt home non work day
ts005bIn your neighborhood, but not at homeIn your neighborhood, but not at home non work day
ts005cOutside your neighborhoodOutside your neighborhood non work day
ts006_totalTotaltotal hours where spent on week day
ts006aAt homeAt home week day
ts006bIn your neighborhood, but not at homeIn your neighborhood, but not at home week day
ts006cOutside your neighborhoodOutside your neighborhood week day
ts007_totalTotaltotal hours where spent on weekend day
ts007aAt homeAt home weekend day
ts007bIn your neighborhood, but not at homeIn your neighborhood, but not at home weekend day
ts007cOutside your neighborhoodOutside your neighborhood weekend day