Real-time Sample Composition Statistics
The list below contains the current UAS sample batches. Please note that the recruiting process on average takes approximately six months for most sampled respondents to log in to the UAS survey page for the first time, and some take even longer to become members. So for more recent batches the response overview may reflect results that are not yet complete. Generally speaking, batches that began recruitment more than 1 year prior to the current date may be considered to be complete. Also note that the list below is updated regularly to include new sample batches. To learn more about a batch and its response details please just click on its name. All percentages reported below are all taken relative to the total number of mailed out surveys minus survey mailed to addresses that were found to be non-existent or invalid (e.g. business addresses).
As of January 24, 2024, the UAS implemented a change to the definition of active membership in the UAS and updated the way the detailed tables for each recruitment cohort are reported. The change affected only new members who had completed the My Household demographic survey but no additional UAS surveys. Prior to the change, these members were considered inactive until they completed at least one additional UAS survey. After the change, participants are considered active members as soon as they have completed My Household. As a result, they are now part of the My Household data set of active participants, and are included in the "Active Panel" section of the detailed recruitment tables below. We have also made minor changes to the way the Active Panel table is displayed.
For information about UAS's Address Based Sampling methodology, please refer to the UAS Weighting Procedures.
To learn more about a specific batch, click on its name (opens in a new browser window).
- February 21, 20141033141.3%33.5%18.8%9.1%None
- June 9, 2014493444.5%32.1%11.8%5.5%None
- January 3, 2015505040.9%23.3%8.6%4.2%None
- September 4, 2015200140.5%30.4%14.4%8.0%A random subset of the sample received an envelope addressed as 'Name or Current Resident' ('Current Resident' only if no name available).
A random subset of the envelopes had a colorful label. - January 26, 2016370645.3%31.1%15.4%8.6%None
- February 17, 2016248041.0%27.0%13.8%7.1%No experiment
- March 1, 2016384038.9%27.0%14.6%7.9%Half of the sample received an envelope by Priority Mail, the other half by regular mail.
- March 15, 2016400239.0%26.4%15.0%8.2%Postcard treatment $5 recruitment strategy
- April 22, 2016400840.3%27.8%15.4%7.9%Personalized Postcard And Letter
- June 27, 2016406740.7%30.4%15.0%7.1%None
- December 7, 2018500729.1%21.0%15.9%8.5%None
- June 13, 2019500029.6%21.8%15.9%8.2%None
- January 8, 2020499930.5%21.5%16.1%8.8%None
- September 7, 2020250226.2%18.7%14.5%8.3%None
- November 13, 2020250028.0%20.1%15.5%9.0%Fully randomized sample
- March 9, 2021500027.2%18.2%15.0%9.5%Fully randomized sample
- December 10, 2021252324.3%15.9%12.2%7.7%New sampling method and change to paper/online recruitment method
- January 31, 2022252324.1%16.5%12.8%8.4%New sampling method, retaining online-first recruitment method used in batches since MSG 2018-08 Nationally Representative Batch 9
- June 7, 2022250024.5%14.4%10.3%6.6%New sampling method, change to paper/online recruitment method, regular envelope with a priority mail sticker
- June 7, 2022250023.1%14.0%9.6%6.4%New sampling method, change to paper/online recruitment method, regular priority mail envelope
- September 16, 2022500022.4%14.0%11.8%7.7%Visible cash
- January 17, 2023500027.0%18.5%12.6%8.7%Half received existing invitation letter, half received new version of invitation letter
- January 17, 2023500022.5%14.8%10.2%7.1%Half received existing invitation letter, half received new version of invitation letter
- March 6, 20232000123.1%16.2%12.7%9.4%None
- August 25, 2023500021.9%15.1%10.6%8.3%None
- October 12, 202375218.2%11.6%6.8%5.9%None
- January 16, 20241911621.4%14.7%10.6%10.2%None