General information

The MSG 2022/11; sample frame: U.S. National Territory sample cohort is characterized by the following:

Batch code30
Sample descriptionNationally representative
Date drawnNovember 2022
Date of first mailingJanuary 17, 2023
Batch size5000
Experiment(s)Half received existing invitation letter, half received new version of invitation letter

Recruitment rates

All the recruitment rates below conform to AAPOR specifications. Please note that the Initial Response Rate reported in table 1 are based on AAPOR RR1. More information about the AAPOR response rates can be found at the Aapor web site.

Mailout and phone follow up of initial survey

The initial mail survey is a standard paper and pencil mail survey, but the respondents are given the option to respond online. The response rate of this is computed like any mail survey.

Total sample5,000
Eligible refusals and noncontacts (R)
Refused to participate0
Incomplete interviews10
Refusals and noncontacts with unknown eligibility (U)
Nothing returned3,866
Unreachable by phone0
Undeliverable by mail2
Responses (I)1,122
Initial Response Rate (I/(I + R + U))22.4%

Consent to participate

The initial mail survey asks respondents whether they would be interested in participating in the Understanding America Study. Everyone who answers affirmatively and who receives a login code is considered to have provided consent. The recruitment rate is then calculated as the number of people who receive a login code divided by the total number of eligible responses to the mail survey.

Total sample1,122
Eligible refusals and noncontacts (R)
Refused to participate385
Refusals and noncontacts with unknown eligibility (U)0
Responses (I)737
Recruitment Rate (I/(I + R + U))65.7%

Initial participation

The profile rate (PROR) is the fraction of the individuals who consented who completed My Household and thus became a panel member.

Total sample737
Eligible refusals and noncontacts (R)
Logged on to survey, did not complete any item0
Partially completed the My Household survey39
Did not log on189
Responses (I)509
Profile Rate (I/(I + R))69.1%

Overall recruitment rate

The overall recruitment rate (ORR) is the product of the response rates computed above (initial response rate, recruitment rate, and profile rate):

ORR = IRR * RECR * PROR = 0.224 * 0.657 * 0.691 = 10.2%

Active panel

As in any panel, we monitor attrition. Because individuals often simply stop responding without actively withdrawing from the panel and without us being able to contact them, we adopt the criterion that an individual is considered to be an active panel member if they participated in any survey in the last year (counting back from today, that is, September 13, 2024). A panel member who is not an active panel member but has not been removed yet from the panel is an inactive panel member.

Total sample509
Eligible refusals and noncontacts (R)
Voluntary drop-out139
Cannot locate1
Refusals and noncontacts with unknown eligibility (U)0
Ineligible for another reason0
Responses (I)369
Retention Rate (I/(I + R + U)72.5%

Cumulative response rate

The cumulative response rate (CUMRR) up to and including retention is the product of the response rates computed above (initial response rate, recruitment rate, profile rate, and retention rate):

CUMRR = IRR * RECR * PROR * RETR = 0.224 * 0.657 * 0.691 * 0.725 = 7.4%