
Variable Question text Label
ask_mechanismAsk mechanism questions or notask mechanism questions or not
clim001^FLLastDateClimate, did you experience any extreme weather events (for example, extreme heat or cold, severe storm, winter storm, smoke from wildfire) or natural disaster (for example, hurricane, tornado, tropical storm, wildfire, earthquake, landslide or mudslide, drought, flood, volcanic eruption, tsunami)? experience any extreme weather events
clim002Which of the following extreme weather events or natural disasters did you experience ^FLLastDateClimateLower? Check all that apply.extreme weather events or natural disasters experience
clim003Did you experience any negative consequences of the extreme weather event(s) or natural disaster(s)?any negative consequences extreme weather event(s) or natural disaster(s)
clim004Which of the following consequences of the extreme weather event(s) or natural disaster(s), if any, did you experience? Please check all that apply.which negative consequences extreme weather event(s) or natural disaster(s)
clim004_orderwhich negative consequences extreme weather event(s) or natural disaster(s)
clim_last30daysDid this extreme weather event occur in the past 30 days (since ^FL30daysago)?climate experience in last 30 days or not
clim_recentIndicates if climate experience was in last 30 daysindicates if climate experience was in last 30 days
clim_sameTo help us better understand your experiences:

In your last survey, you reported that you experienced an extreme weather event prior to ^FLLastDateClimateOnly. In this survey you also reported experiencing an extreme weather event. Were these two separate extreme weather events, or are they part of the same event?

Please choose a response:
same extreme weather event as in previous survey
climate_beginbegin climate section
climate_endend climate section
climate_timetime spent climate section
consequence_groupin consequence group or notin consequence group or not
consequence_group_askedin consequence group asked questions or notin consequence group asked questions or not
control_groupin control group or notin control group or not
control_group_askedin control group asked questions or notin control group asked questions or not
erq001When I want to feel more positive emotion (such as joy or amusement), I change the way I'm thinking about the situation.When I want to feel more positive emotion (such as joy or amusement), I change the way I’m thinking about the situation.
erq002I keep my emotions to myself.I keep my emotions to myself.
erq003When I want to feel less negative emotion (such as sadness or anger) I change the way I'm thinking about the situation. When I want to feel less negative emotion (such as sadness or anger) I change the way I’m thinking about the situation.
erq004I control my emotions by not expressing them.I control my emotions by not expressing them.
erq005I control my emotions by changing the way I think about the situation that I'm in.I control my emotions by changing the way I think about the situation that I’m in.
erq006When I am feeling negative emotions, I make sure not to express them.When I am feeling negative emotions, I make sure not to express them.
femaDid you or anyone in your household receive disaster-related individual assistance from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) or other agency because of this?past month receive disaster-related individual assistance
number_consequence_groupnumber in consequence group asked questionsnumber in consequence group asked questions
number_control_groupnumber in control group asked questionsnumber in control group asked questions
number_weather_groupnumber in weather group asked questionsnumber in weather group asked questions
previous_asked_mechanismPreviously asked mechanism questions or notpreviously asked mechanism questions or not
previous_clim001In the past thirty days (since ^FL30daysago), did you experience any extreme weather events (for example, extreme heat or cold, severe storm, winter storm, smoke from wildfire) or natural disaster (for example, hurricane, tornado, tropical storm, wildfire, earthquake, landslide or mudslide, drought, flood, volcanic eruption, tsunami)?previous survey experience any extreme weather events
previous_experienceindicates if R answered yes to climate question (clim001) in any previous surveys
previous_femaIndicates if R answered yes to fema assistance receipt question in any previous surveysindicates if R answered yes to fema assistance receipt question in any previous surveys
previous_negative_experienceindicates if R answered yes to negative impact to climate question (clim003) in any previous surveys
time001aHow often during the past week did you spend time thinking about the present?how often during past week spend time thinking about present
time001bHow often during the past week did you spend time thinking about the past?how often during past week spend time thinking about past
time001cHow often during the past week did you spend time thinking about the future?how often during past week spend time thinking about future
uas618_clim003Did you experience any negative consequences of the extreme weather event(s) or natural disaster(s)?uas618 any negative consequences extreme weather event(s) or natural disaster(s)
uas636_ask_mechanismAsk mechanism questions or notuas636 ask mechanism questions or not
uas636_clim003Did you experience any negative consequences of the extreme weather event(s) or natural disaster(s)?uas636 any negative consequences extreme weather event(s) or natural disaster(s)
uas636_femaDid you or anyone in your household receive disaster-related individual assistance from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) or other agency because of this?uas636 past month receive disaster-related individual assistance
uas641_ask_mechanismAsk mechanism questions or notuas641 ask mechanism questions or not
uas641_clim003Did you experience any negative consequences of the extreme weather event(s) or natural disaster(s)?uas641 any negative consequences extreme weather event(s) or natural disaster(s)
uas641_femaDid you or anyone in your household receive disaster-related individual assistance from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) or other agency because of this?uas641 past month receive disaster-related individual assistance
uas654_ask_mechanismAsk mechanism questions or notuas654 ask mechanism questions or not
uas654_clim003Did you experience any negative consequences of the extreme weather event(s) or natural disaster(s)?uas654 any negative consequences extreme weather event(s) or natural disaster(s)
uas654_femaDid you or anyone in your household receive disaster-related individual assistance from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) or other agency because of this?uas654 past month receive disaster-related individual assistance
uas663_ask_mechanismAsk mechanism questions or notuas663 ask mechanism questions or not
uas663_clim003Did you experience any negative consequences of the extreme weather event(s) or natural disaster(s)?uas663 any negative consequences extreme weather event(s) or natural disaster(s)
uas663_femaDid you or anyone in your household receive disaster-related individual assistance from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) or other agency because of this?uas663 past month receive disaster-related individual assistance
uas670_ask_mechanismAsk mechanism questions or notuas670 ask mechanism questions or not
uas670_clim003Did you experience any negative consequences of the extreme weather event(s) or natural disaster(s)?uas670 any negative consequences extreme weather event(s) or natural disaster(s)
uas670_femaDid you or anyone in your household receive disaster-related individual assistance from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) or other agency because of this?uas670 past month receive disaster-related individual assistance
weather_groupin weather group or notin weather group or not
weather_group_askedin weather group asked questions or notin weather group asked questions or not