
Variable Question text Label
IR001What do you believe is the average yearly household income before taxes and other deductions for people residing in your zip code? AVG YEARLY INCOME IN ZIP
IR002The following question asks you to rank your income in comparison with other people in your zip code. You can give a number between zero and one hundred. For instance, if you believe you have the highest income in the zip code you enter 100. If you believe 60% of the people have higher incomes than you (and therefore 40% have less), you enter 40, etc.

How does your household income rank in comparison with that of other people residing in your zip code?
IR003How much do you compare your yearly household income with that of other people residing in your zip code?HOW MUCH COMPARE YOUR INCOME TO OTHER PEOPLE RESIDING IN ZIP
IR004What do you believe is the average yearly household income before taxes and other deductions for people residing in your county? AVG YEARLY INCOME IN COUNTY
IR005The following question asks you to rank your income in comparison with other people in your county. You can give a number between zero and one hundred. For instance, if you believe you have the highest income in the county you enter 100. If you believe 60% of the people have higher incomes than you (and therefore 40% have less), you enter 40, etc.

How does your household income rank in comparison with that of other people residing in your county?
IR006How much do you compare your yearly household income with that of other people residing in your county?HOW MUCH COMPARE YOUR INCOME TO OTHER PEOPLE RESIDING IN COUNTY
IR007Are you currently working for pay?CURRENTLY WORKING FOR PAY
IR009What do you believe is the average yearly household income before taxes and other deductions for people in the US who have the same occupation as you? AVG YEARLY HH INCOME FOR PEOPLE IN YOUR OCCUPATION
IR010What would be the average yearly household income of people who have the same occupation as you in your circle of friends, co-workers, or acquaintances?AVG YEARLY HH INCOME FOR PEOPLE IN CIRCLE
IR010_othersIn your circle of friends, co-workers, or acquaintances, are there any people who have the same occupation as you?PEOPLE WITH SAME OCCUPATION IN CIRCLE
IR011How does your household income ^FLRank in comparison with that of individuals in the US who have the same occupation as you? Please enter a number between 0 and 100.RANK INCOME IN COMPARISON WITH OTHER PEOPLE IN OCCUPATION IN US
IR012And how does your household income ^FLRank in comparison with that of individuals who have the same occupation as you in your circle of friends, co-workers, or acquaintances?RANK INCOME IN COMPARISON WITH OTHER PEOPLE IN OCCUPATION IN CIRCLE
IR013How much do you compare your yearly household income with that of other people in the US with the same occupation as you?HOW MUCH COMPARE YOUR INCOME TO OTHER PEOPLE IN YOUR OCCUPATION IN THE US
IR013aHow much do you compare your yearly household income with that of individuals with the same occupation as you in your circle of friends, co-workers, or acquaintance?HOW MUCH COMPARE YOUR INCOME TO OTHER PEOPLE IN YOUR OCCUPATION IN YOUR CIRCLE
IR014Have you ever worked for pay?EVER WORKED FOR PAY
IR015_yearWhen did you last work for pay?WHEN LAST WORK FOR PAY YEAR
IR017In your last job, what do you believe was the average yearly household income before taxes and other deductions for individuals in the US with the same occupation as you? LAST JOB AVG YEARLY HH INCOME FOR PEOPLE IN YOUR OCCUPATION
IR018What was the average yearly household income of people with the same occupation as you in your circle of friends, co-workers, or acquaintances? LAST JOB AVG YEARLY HH INCOME FOR PEOPLE IN CIRCLE
IR018_othersIn your circle of friends, co-workers, or acquaintances, were there any people with the same occupation as you at the time?LAST JOB HAD PEOPLE WITH SAME OCCUPATION IN CIRCLE
IR019How did your household income ^FLRank in comparison with that of individuals in the US with the same occupation as you during your last job? Please enter a number between 0 and 100.LAST JOB RANK INCOME IN COMPARISON WITH OTHER PEOPLE IN OCCUPATION IN US
IR020And how did your household income ^FLRank in comparison with that of individuals with the same occupation as you in your circle of friends, co-workers, or acquaintances?LAST JOB RANK INCOME IN COMPARISON WITH OTHER PEOPLE IN OCCUPATION IN CIRCLE
IR021How much did you compare your yearly household income with that of other people in the US with the same occupation as you during your last job?LAST JOB HOW MUCH COMPARE YOUR INCOME TO OTHER PEOPLE IN YOUR OCCUPATION IN THE US
IR021aHow much did you compare your yearly household income with that of individuals in your occupation in your circle of friends, co-workers, or acquaintance?LAST JOB HOW MUCH COMPARE YOUR INCOME TO OTHER PEOPLE IN YOUR OCCUPATION IN CIRCLE
IR022What do you believe is the average yearly household income before taxes and other deductions for individuals your age in the US? AVG YEARLY INCOME INDIVIDUALS YOUR AGE US
IR023How does your household income ^FLRank in comparison with that of individuals your age in the US? RANK INCOME IN COMPARISON WITH INDIVIDUALS YOUR AGE IN US
IR024What would be the average yearly household income before taxes and other deductions for people your age in your circle of friends, co-workers, or acquaintances?AVG INCOME IN COMPARISON WITH CIRCLE YOUR AGE
IR024aHow does your household income ^FLRank in comparison with that of individuals your age in your circle of friends, co-workers, or acquaintances?RANK INCOME IN COMPARISON WITH INDIVIDUALS YOUR AGE IN CIRCLE
IR025How much do you compare your yearly household income with that of other individuals your age in the US?LAST JOB HOW MUCH COMPARE YOUR INCOME OTHER INDIVIDUALS YOUR AGE IN US
IR025bHow much do you compare your yearly household income with that of other individuals your age in your circle of friends, co-workers, or acquaintances?LAST JOB HOW MUCH COMPARE YOUR INCOME OTHER INDIVIDUALS YOUR AGE IN CIRCLE
IR026What do you believe is the average yearly household income before taxes and other deductions for individuals with the same level of education as you in the US? AVG YEARLY INCOME INDIVIDUALS YOUR EDUCATION US
IR027How does your household income ^FLRank in comparison with that of individuals with the same level of education as you in the US? RANK INCOME IN COMPARISON WITH INDIVIDUALS YOUR EDUCATION IN US
IR027aAnd how does your household income ^FLRank in comparison with that of individuals with the same level of education as you in your circle of friends, co-workers, or acquaintances?RANK INCOME IN COMPARISON WITH INDIVIDUALS YOUR EDUCATION IN CIRCLE
IR028What would be the average yearly household income before taxes and other deductions for people with the same level of education as you in your circle of friends, co-workers, or acquaintances?AVG INCOME IN COMPARISON WITH CIRCLE YOUR EDUCATION
IR028_othersIn your circle of friends, co-workers, or acquaintances, are there any people with the same level of education as you?ANY PEOPLE SAME EDUCATION AS YOU
IR029How much do you compare your yearly household income with that of other individuals with the same level of education as you in the US?LAST JOB HOW MUCH COMPARE YOUR INCOME OTHER INDIVIDUALS YOUR EDUCATION IN US
IR029aHow much do you compare your yearly household income with that of individuals with the same level of education as you in your circle of friends, co-workers, or acquaintances?LAST JOB HOW MUCH COMPARE YOUR INCOME OTHER INDIVIDUALS YOUR EDUCATION IN CIRCLE