
Variable Question text Label
HD001On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your neighborhood?RATE NEIGHBORHOOD
HD002The next questions ask about the area surrounding your home.

Do you have grocery stores, drug stores, both or neither within 15 minutes of your home (using any means of transportation available to you)?
HD003How would you typically go to the grocery store?HOW DO YOU TYPICALLY GO TO GROCERY STORE
HD004Are there any bodies of water, such as ponds, lakes, rivers, or the ocean within a half block (or about 300 feet away) of your home?ANY WATER WITHIN HALF A BLOCK FROM HOME
HD005Are any open spaces, such as parks, woods, farms or ranches within a half block (or about 300 feet away) of your home?ANY OPEN SPACE WITHIN HALF A BLOCK FROM HOME
HD006Are there any railroads, airports, or highways with at least 4 lanes within a half block (or about 300 feet away) of your home?ANY RAILROADS WITHIN HALF A BLOCK FROM HOME
HD007Are there any parking lots within a half block (or about 300 feet away) of your home?ANY PARKING LOTS WITHIN HALF A BLOCK FROM HOME
HD008Thinking about other buildings within a half block (or about 300 feet away) of your home, are there any: Single-family detached homes
HD009Are there businesses or institutions, such as stores, restaurants, schools or hospitals within a half block (or about 300 feet away) of your home?ANY BUSINESSES WITHIN HALF A BLOCK FROM HOME
HD010Are there any factories or other industrial structures within a half block (or about 300 feet away) of your home?ANY FACTORIES WITHIN HALF A BLOCK FROM HOME
HD011Now, thinking of all the buildings that are within a half block (or about 300 feet away) of your home, do any of these buildings have metal bars on their windows?ANY BUILDINGS WITH METAL BARS ON THEIR WINDOWS WITHIN HALF A BLOCK FROM HOME
HD012Are there any vandalized or abandoned buildings within a half block (or about 300 feet away) of your home?ANY BUILDINGS VANDALIZED WITHIN HALF A BLOCK FROM HOME
HD013Is there trash, litter, or junk in the streets, roads, empty lots, or on any properties within a half block (or about 300 feet away) of your home?ANY TRASH WITHIN HALF A BLOCK FROM HOME
HD014What is the condition of the streets within a half block (or about 300 feet away) of your home? Do these streets need major repairs, minor repairs, or no repair work?CONDITION OF STREETS WITHIN HALF A BLOCK
HD015Do you have satisfactory police protection for this area?STATISFYING POLICE PROTECTION IN AREA
HD016Thinking about the area you consider your neighborhood, tell us whether you strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree or strongly disagree with the following statements:

People in my neighborhood are willing to help their neighbors.
HD017I live in a close-knit neighborhood.LIVE IN CLOSE KNIT NEIGHBORHOOD
HD018People in my neighborhood generally get along with each other.PEOPLE IN NEIGHBORHOOD GET ALONG
HD019People in my neighborhood share the same values.PEOPLE IN NEIGHBORHOOD SHARE SAME VALUES
HD020People in my neighborhood can be trusted.PEOPLE IN NEIGHBORHOOD CAN BE TRUSTED
HD021How many friends do you have who live in this neighborhood?HOW MANY FRIENDS WHO LIVE IN NEIGHBORHOOD
HD022In the past month, have you talked with any of your neighbors for 10 minutes or more?PAST MONTH TALKED WITH ANY NEIGHBOR FOR 10 MINUTES OR MORE