changed_notchanged_labels | | labels for slider |
happen_nothappen_labels | | labels for slider |
interfere_US | What number would you choose to represent how likely it is that election fraud or interference in the election by individuals, groups or officials in the United States changed the outcome of the U.S. presidential election? Please select a number on the scale below from 0 to 100 where 0 means you are certain the outcome was not changed and 100 means you are certain the outcome was changed. | Likelihood that U.S. interference changed outcome |
interfere_foreign | What number would you choose to represent how likely it is that election fraud or interference in the election by individuals, groups or officials in other countries changed the outcome of the U.S. presidential election? Please select a number on the scale below from 0 to 100 where 0 means you are certain that the outcome was not changed and 100 means you are certain the outcome was changed. | Likelihood that foreign interference changed outcome |
interfere_usps | What number would you choose to represent how likely it is that changes to the U.S. postal service made in the months before the election altered the outcome of the U.S. presidential election? Please select a number on the scale below from 0 to 100 where 0 means you are certain that the outcome was not changed and 100 means you are certain the outcome was changed | Likelihood that changes to USPS changed outcome |
personal_fraud | Do you personally know anyone who interfered with someone else’s vote, or cast a fraudulent vote in this election, whether they intended to or not? | personally know anyone who cast a fraudulent vote |