
Variable Question text Label
HH1How many people, including yourself, live in your household? Please count adults and many people, including R, in household
HH3How many, including yourself, are adults, age 18 and older?how many 18 and older, including R, in household
HHADcomp_monthsHow many months out of the last 3 (since ^FLMonth) have you lived with all of the adult household members you listed, and no others? all adults in household in past 3 months
HHAdNhow many 18 plus in household excluding Rhow many 18 plus in household excluding R
HHChildren_monthsHow many months out of the last 3 months (since ^FLMonth) did you live with all of the children under the age of 18 who are currently living in your household and no other children?all children in household in past 3 months
HHOnly_monthsHow many months out of the last 3 months (since ^FLMonth) have you been the only person over the age of 18 in your household?only person in household in past 3 months
HH_agecalculated age of HH member
HH_anyotherAbove is the list of the members of your household that you mentioned.

Are there any other people living with you?
someone else living with R in addition to list
HH_genderWhat is ^HH_name[index]'s gender? gender hh member
HH_myhhIs ^HH_name[cnt2] on the list below? If yes, please select that person. Otherwise, select 'Not on the list'.hh member listed in my household
HH_relationshipHow is ^HH_name[index] related to you? relationship to hh member
HH_typetype of HH member
Hh_nomoreno more hh members
hhChNhow many under 18 in householdhow many under 18 in household
hhTotaltotal how many in household excluding Rtotal how many in household excluding R
hhTotalListedtotal listed how many in household
hhTotalListedAdultadult total listed how many in household
hhTotalListedChildchild total listed how many in household
hhTotalListedUnknownunknown age total listed how many in household
kids1Are you the parent or guardian of any children under age 18?parent or guardian of any children under age 18
parentAre any of those children under 18 now living in your household? living in household any children under age 18
preload_HH1How many people, including yourself, live in your household? Please count adults and children.preloaded how many people, including R, in household
preload_HH3How many, including yourself, are adults, age 18 and older?preloaded how many 18 and older, including R, in household
preload_confirmIn a previous survey (on ^FLUAS393) you told us the following about your household:
  • Number of people (adults and children), including yourself, living in your household: ^preload_HH1
  • Number of adults (age 18 and older), including yourself, living in your household: ^preload_HH3
  • Parent or guardian of any children under age 18: ^preload_kids1
  • ^FL_parent

Is that still correct?
confirm preloaded hh composition
preload_kids1Are you the parent or guardian of any children under age 18?preloaded parent or guardian of any children under age 18
preload_parentAre any of those children under 18 now living in your household? preloaded living in household any children under age 18
uas393_endtimeEnter something like this to test with preloading:

2021-06-10 10:45:23
uas393 endtime