
Variable Question text Label
bn001aSocial Security retirement apply or attempt Social Security retirement
bn001bSocial Security disability apply or attempt for Social Security disability
bn001cSocial Security survivorsapply or attempt for Social Security survivors benefits
bn001dSupplemental Security Income (SSI)apply or attempt for Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
bn001eMedicareapply or attempt for Medicare benefits
bn002aSocial Security retirement whether to apply Social Security retirement
bn002bSocial Security disability whether to apply for Social Security disability
bn002cSocial Security survivorswhether to apply for Social Security survivors benefits
bn002dSupplemental Security Income (SSI)whether to apply for Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
bn002eMedicarewhether to apply for Medicare benefits
bn003aSocial Security retirement when to apply Social Security retirement
bn003bSocial Security disability when to apply for Social Security disability
bn003cSocial Security survivorswhen to apply for Social Security survivors benefits
bn003dSupplemental Security Income (SSI)when to apply for Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
bn003eMedicarewhen to apply for Medicare benefits
bn004When you need to contact a government agency, e.g. to apply for benefits, or pay bills, or look at statements, you can do that online or in person, or in other ways (e.g. by writing letters).

Has the coronavirus pandemic made it more or less likely that you would contact government agencies online?
covid affected likelihood of online business
bn005When contacting government agencies online in the future, would you prefer to use a website form, live video with a person, live chat, or a mobile app?preference online business format