
Variable Question text Label
hrsntrust_hospHow much do you trust hospitals to coordinate health-related services such as meal delivery, transportation, and medical care coordination after a hospitalization?how much trust after hospitalization: in hospitals
hrsntrust_insHow much do you trust health insurance companies to coordinate health-related services such as meal delivery, transportation, and medical care coordination after a hospitalization?how much trust after hospitalization: in health insurance companies
interest_childcareHow interested would you be to receive resources and referrals for childcare from your doctor?How interested: to referrals for childcare from doctor
interest_coordinationHow interested would you be to receive care coordination for follow-up appointments, home health care, or rehabilitation visits after a hospitalization?How interested: to receive care coordination
interest_financesHow interested would you be to receive resources and referrals for financial support from your doctor?How interested: to receive financial support from doctor
interest_foodHow interested would you be to receive resources and referrals for food banks from your doctor?How interested: to receive resources for food banks from doctor
interest_housingHow interested would you be to receive resources and referrals for shelter/housing support from your doctor?How interested: to receive shelter/housing support from doctor
interest_legalHow interested would you be to receive resources and referrals for legal support from your doctor?How interested: to receive legal support from doctor
interest_mealsHow interested would you be to receive meal deliveries after a hospitalization?How interested: to receive meal deliveries after hospitalization
interest_mgmtHow interested would you be to receive resources and referrals for chronic condition management programs from your doctor?How interested: to receive referrals for chronic cond. mgmt from doctor
interest_mhHow interested would you be to receive resources and referrals for mental health counseling from your doctor?How interested: to receive mental health counseling
interest_substanceHow interested would you be to receive resources and referrals for substance abuse programs from your doctor?How interested: to receive referrals for substance abuse programs from doctor
interest_transportHow interested would you be to receive transportation to your home after a hospitalization?How interested: to receive transportation home after hosp.
sn_ask Which of the needs below should doctors or nurses ask all patients about?

Check all that apply.
needs doctors/nurses should ask all patients
sn_druseFor the next three questions, please indicate how much you agree or disagree with the following statements:

“I support my doctor using social needs information to improve my care.”
Agree/disagree: support doctor using social needs info
sn_helpWhich needs should doctors or nurses help their patients with, if they want help?

Check all that apply.
needs doctors/nurses should help with if they want to
sn_insbudget“My health insurance plan should dedicate part of its budget to help patients with their social needs.”agree/disagree: health insurance plan should help patients with social needs
sn_inscost“My health insurance plan should help patients with their social needs even if that could increase my health care costs.”agree/disagree: health insurance should help even if it increases cost
sn_needsWithin the last 12 months, have you personally had any of the following social needs? social needs in last 12 months