
Variable Question text Label
interest_pcpvHow interested would you be to see your primary care doctor over video for certain visits, like prescription refills?how interested to see doctor over video for refills
interest_phevHow likely would you be to have a video visit with your doctor during a public health emergency?how likely to video visit during public health emergency
safe_recordsHow confident are you that your medical records are safe from being seen by people who aren’t permitted to see them?how confident med records are safe
th_modalityThinking about your most recent telehealth visit with ^FLProvider, what kind of interaction best describes this visit?modality of most recent telehealth visit

Thinking about your most recent telehealth visit with ^FLProvider, how much do you agree with the following statement:

Overall, I was satisfied with my telehealth visit.

how satisfied with most recent telehealth visit

Thinking about your most recent telehealth visit with ^FLProvider, how much do you agree with the following statement:

My telehealth visit was as satisfactory as an in-person visit would have been.

most recent telehealth visit as satisfying as an in-person visit
th_typeWhat type of provider did you interact with for your most recent telehealth visit?type of provider during last telehealth visit
th_yrA telehealth visit is a virtual visit with your doctor or other health care provider where you are interacting with your provider by video, telephone, or an online portal. Have you had a telehealth visit with your health care provider in the past 12 months? had telehealth visit in past 12 mos