
Variable Question text Label
bk201A scientist is conducting a study to determine how well a new medication treats ear infections. The scientist tells the participants to put 10 drops in their infected ear each day. After two weeks, all participants’ ear infections had healed. No one who used the ear drops experienced any side effects. Which of the following changes to the design of this study would most improve the ability to test if the new medication effectively treats ear infections? which changes most improve ability to test ear infection medication
bk202A car travels at a constant speed of 40 miles per hour. How far does the car travel in 45 minutes? travel speed car in 45 minutes
bk203Who is the current Chief Justice of the United States? current Chief Justice of the United States
bk204The United States – Mexico – Canada Agreement (USMCA) is a trade agreement that replaces which previous trade agreement? USMCA replaces what trade agreement
bk205If a website is using cookies, it means that the site… what means if site is using cookies