
Variable Question text Label
numberofbillsnumber of bills
pay000Since ^FLDate (in the last 30 days), which of the following bill types have you paid?

Please report:
1. Bills for which you yourself made the payment (^FLMoreDetails1)
2. Automatic bill payments (^FLMoreDetails2).

If you did not pay any bills, check the "I did not pay any bills since ^FLDate" box below the table.
paid type of bill
pay000_noneORnone paid type of bill
pay004Who set up the payment?who set up payment
pay007How did you fund this mobile app payment?fund mobile app payment
payamntpaid amount
payfrequencypaid frequency
payhavebillDid you pay any more ^FLBillType bills since ^FLDate (in the last 30 days)?

Examples are:
another bill
paylocationpaid how
paymethoddaily purchases payment method
paytypebill type