
Variable Question text Label
FLq011_moreq011 more
FLq011_totalq011 total
FLq012_moreq012 more
FLq012_totalq012 total
FLq012b_moreq012b more
FLq012b_totalq012b total
confirm_randomizerIndicates if premium confirmation is askedindicates if premium confirmation is asked
q011Imagine that you are enrolled in a health insurance plan. This plan covers only YOU and not any of your family members.

In this plan (your current plan):
  • You can only go to a limited set of providers
  • All of your current doctor(s) are included in the plan
  • You pay a premium that is $350 per month
Now imagine that it is time for you to pick your health insurance plan for next year. You have a choice to stay with your current plan or switch to a new plan.

The new plan will not restrict your choice of providers. All providers are in-network, so you can go to any doctor or hospital you choose.

Other than the providers that are covered, everything else is the same as your current plan.

Plan Feature
Current Plan
New Plan
Providers Covered:
Your Current Doctor(s):
Monthly Premium:
If you stay with your current plan, your monthly premium will be $350.

How much more would you be willing to pay per month to switch to the new plan?

first scenario how much willing to pay all providers
q011_10Would it be more than or less than $10 more per month?q011 more or less $10 more
q011_25Would it be more than or less than $25 more per month?q011 more or less $25 more
q011_50Would it be more than or less than $50 more per month?q011 more or less $50 more
q011_75Would it be more than or less than $75 more per month?q011 more or less $75 more
q011_100Would it be more than or less than $100 more per month?q011 more or less $100 more
Plan Feature
Current Plan
New Plan
Providers Covered:
Your Current Doctor(s):
Monthly Premium:
You said that you would pay ^FLq011_more more per month to switch to the new plan.

That means that you would pay ^FLq011_total total per month.

Is that what you meant?
confirm first scenario how much willing to pay all providers
q012Now imagine again that it is time for you to pick your health insurance plan for next year.

But, now imagine that your current plan is changing its network and your doctor is not covered anymore. That means that if you stay in your current plan, you would have to change doctors.

You have a choice to stay with your current plan or switch to a new plan. The new plan also has a limited set of providers, but your doctor is covered. That means that if you switch to the new plan, you could keep your doctor. Everything else is the same as your current plan.

Plan Feature
Current Plan
New Plan
Providers Covered:
Your Current Doctor(s):
Not covered
Monthly Premium:$350
If you stay with your current plan, your monthly premium will be $350.

How much more would you be willing to pay per month to switch to the new plan?

second scenario how much willing to pay current plan changes
q012_10Would it be more than or less than $10 more per month?q012 more or less $10 more
q012_25Would it be more than or less than $25 more per month?q012 more or less $25 more
q012_50Would it be more than or less than $50 more per month?q012 more or less $50 more
q012_75Would it be more than or less than $75 more per month?q012 more or less $75 more
q012_100Would it be more than or less than $100 more per month?q012 more or less $100 more
Plan Feature
Current Plan
New Plan
Providers Covered:
Your Current Doctor(s):
Not covered
Monthly Premium:
You said that you would pay ^FLq012_more more per month to switch to the new plan.

That means that you would pay ^FLq012_total total per month.

Is that what you meant?
confirm second scenario how much willing to pay all providers
q012bNow imagine one more time that you need to pick your health insurance plan for next year.

This time, your doctor is still covered by your current plan. The new plan covers the same providers, including your doctor.

But the new plan also gives you more options for how you can see your doctor. In the new plan you can have an online or virtual visit with your doctor. You can also schedule your visits and consult with your provider team online.

Everything else is the same as your current plan.

Plan Feature
Current Plan
New Plan
Providers Covered:
Your Current Doctor(s):
Online visits:
Not covered
Monthly Premium:$350
If you stay with your current plan, your monthly premium will be $350.

How much more would you be willing to pay per month to switch to the new plan?

third scenario how much willing to pay current plan changes
q012b_10Would it be more than or less than $10 more per month?q012b more or less $10 more
q012b_25Would it be more than or less than $25 more per month?q012b more or less $25 more
q012b_50Would it be more than or less than $50 more per month?q012b more or less $50 more
q012b_75Would it be more than or less than $75 more per month?q012b more or less $75 more
q012b_100Would it be more than or less than $100 more per month?q012b more or less $100 more
Plan Feature
Current Plan
New Plan
Providers Covered:
Your Current Doctor(s):
Online visits:
Not covered
Monthly Premium:
You said that you would pay ^FLq012b_more more per month to switch to the new plan.

That means that you would pay ^FLq012b_total total per month.

Is that what you meant?
confirm third scenario how much willing to pay all providers