Restricted data linked to UAS survey data is available in the LINKAGE Enclave, administered by UAS and the National Institute for Aging (NIA) Data Linkage Program. This is a secure computing desktop for using UAS survey data linked to restricted CMS or SSA datasets for studying aging, healthcare, and health outcomes. It may also be used for studies requiring UAS survey data to be linked to external data sources using geolocations more granular than state.
Enclave Access
Access to the Enclave is controlled by the compliance officer at CESR. At the moment, due to federal security requirements, access to the Enclave is restricted to US-based researchers. To apply for Enclave access, the project PI must first have, or apply for, a UAS user account, which includes returning a Tier 1 Data User Agreement (DUA). The PI then completes and returns an Enclave Application. If the application is approved by the compliance officer, the final step is for the PI to complete and return an UAS Enclave Data User Agreement (available soon) signed by the researcher and an institutional representative, along with IRB approval for the project and a recent CV.
External data approved for use can be uploaded to the Enclave desktop. All output (statistical reports, manuscripts, presentations, or programs) will be monitored and approved by the CESR compliance officer prior to download.
For more information about Enclave requirements, please review the Tier 3 section of the Data Use Agreements page.
About the LINKAGE Enclave: In addition to providing secure data access, the Enclave provides reference materials such as data dictionaries and methodology statements. It uses a top-tier internet service Provider (ISP) to support multiple and concurrent connections. Analytic software packages R, SAS and Stata are available. Please inquire about any other software needs. For more information about the LINKAGE enclave, you can visit the NIA's LINKAGE website.
UAS Data Available in the LINKAGE Enclave
In addition to restricted CMS and SSA data, and a geocode crosswalk which may be used to link UAS data with external data sources, certain Tier 1 and Tier 2 UAS data such as the UAS Comprehensive file are available for use in the LINKAGE enclave. Other UAS surveys or data products can also be made available for research teams to access in the enclave upon request. Researchers will also be able to request to add their own approved external data to their enclave desktop.
A list of data available in the enclave is provided below. Note that CMS and SSA data have additional requirements for access.
UAS Tier 1 data
- UAS Comprehensive file
- UAS Panel Recruitment and Usage files
- Occupation codes and researcher linked data files
- Location crosswalks used to link UAS survey data to external data at the gps co-ordinate, census block, census track, zip code, or county level
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) data linked to UAS survey data
- Parts A & B Research Files
- Denominator (DN)
- Home Health Outcome and Assessment Information Set (OASIS) Research Files
- Long-Term Care Minimum Data Set (MDS) Research Files
- Master Beneficiary Summary File (MBSF) - Base Segment Files
- Medicare Provider Analysis and Review (MedPAR) Research Files
- Part D Drug Event (PDE) Research Files
Social Security Administration (SSA) earnings and benefits datasets linked to UAS survey data (Not yet available)
- Imputation of Lifetime Earnings Records
- Permissions Consent History
- Cross-Wave Social Security Weights
- Form 831 Respondent Disability Records
- Respondent Cross-Year Benefits - Final
- Respondent Cross-Year Detail Earnings
- Respondent Cross-Year Summary Earnings
- Respondent Supplemental Security Income
- Prospective Social Security Wealth Measures
- Disability Analysis File
National Death Index (NDI) linked to UAS survey data (Not yet available)