

General information

Question text:
Answer type: Radio buttons
Answer options: 1 I/we needed the money
2 I/we didn't trust that Social Security wouldn't cut benefits in the future
3 I/we felt like our health wasn't so good and that I/we might not enjoy a long life
4 I/we thought that I/we could invest the money and end up ahead
5 I had stopped working
6 My spouse had stopped working
7 I wanted my spouse to be able to claim a benefit on my record
8 I/we were encouraged to claim by a financial adviser
9 I/we decided to claim based on the information in the Social Security Statement
10 I/we were encouraged to claim by an employee at the Social Security office
11 I/we were encouraged to claim by friends or family
12 Other
Label: answer option order q12
Empty allowed: One-time warning
Error allowed: Not allowed
Multiple instances: Yes

Data information for shuffleorder_q12_10_

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