
Variable Question text Label
FRAcalculated FRA
ShuffleOrder_q12answer option order q12
currentageWhat is your age?current age asked if not known
q5^FL_q5provide you with the level of benefits you are supposed to get under current law in the future
q6a^FL_q6ahow confident SS pays at least some of benefits
q6dWhich of the options below best describes Social Security retirement benefits?replacement by social security
q7aIn your opinion, will the retirement benefits you expect to receive from Social Security be enough to maintain a good standard of living? Please rate these benefits on a 1 to 5 scale, where 1 means "less than enough" to maintain a good standard of living and 5 means "more than enough" to maintain a good standard of living.retirement benefits you will receive from Social Security
q8aPrior to retiring from work, did you ever (select all that apply): Visit a Social Security office
q8bPrior to retirement from work, did you (select all that apply):Participate in your employer’s retirement savings program
q8cHave you ever (select all that apply):Visited a Social Security office
q8dHave you ever (select all that apply):Participated in your employer’s retirement savings program
q9Which of the following best describes how a worker’s Social Security benefits are calculated? If you are unsure, please give your best a worker’s Social Security benefits are calculated
q10aSomeone who has never worked for pay may still be able to claim benefits if his or her spouse qualifies for Social Security.benefits if their spouse qualifies for SS
q10bThe amount of Social Security retirement benefits is not affected by the age at which someone starts claimingSocial Security benefits are not affected by claiming age
q10cSocial Security benefits are adjusted for inflationSocial Security benefits are adjusted for inflation
q10fSocial Security is paid for by a tax placed on both workers and employersSocial Security is paid for by a tax placed on both workers and employers
q10gWorkers who pay Social Security taxes are entitled to Social Security disability benefits if they become disabled and are no longer able to workif disabled most are entitled to SS
q10hIf a worker who pays Social Security taxes dies, any of his/her children under age 18 may claim Social Security survivor benefitschildren under 18 get SS benefits
q10iIf a worker who pays Social Security taxes dies, his/her spouse may claim Social Security survivor benefits only if they have childrenspouse entitled to benefits
q10jA divorced person is never entitled to receive retirement benefits on their ex-spouse's recorddivorces person never entitled
q10kPeople have to claim Social Security retirement benefits as soon as they retire from work.People have to claim Social Security retirement benefits as soon as they retire from work.
q11In general, how confident are you that the responses you just gave to these true or false questions are correct? confidence true, false
q12Which best describes your reason for starting to collect Social Security benefits before full retirement age? (Please check all that apply.)I/we needed the money
q13At what age ^FL_q13 eligible to receive Social Security retirement benefits without a reduction for early claiming?N age eligible SS w/o reduction early retirement
q18_yearAt what age do you expect to start collecting Social Security benefits?AGE EXPECTING TO START SS - YEARS
q19What type of Social Security benefit do you expect to receive? (Please select one option.)TYPE OF SS EXPECT TO RECEIVE
q19b_maximummaximum age for q19b
q20If you ^FL_q20_text collecting Social Security benefits at age 62, about how much ^FL_q20_text2 in today's dollars, per month?expected SS benefits per month at age 62
q20_followupYou gave $^FL_q20 per month as an answer.

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followup expected SS benefits per month at age 62
q21If you ^FL_q21_text collecting Social Security benefits at age ^FRA, about how much ^FL_q21_text2 in today's dollars, per month? expected SS benefits per month at FRA
q21_followupYou gave $^FL_q21 per month as an answer.

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followup expected SS benefits per month at FRA
q23Which best describes your reason(s) why you have not yet started your Social Security benefits? (Please check all that apply.)I am still working
s4Are you married?married
s6aDo you think you will be eligible to receive benefits from Social Security in the future?ever be eligible to receive benefits from Social Security
s7aDo you currently receive Social Security benefits?currently receive Social Security benefits
s7bDoes your spouse currently receive Social Security benefits?spouse currently receive Social Security benefits
s8aWhich of the following best describes your employment status? Are you currently...? current employment status
s8bWhich of the following best describes your spouse's employment status? Is your spouse currently...? spouse current employment status
s8cYou mentioned that you are retired, but are you...?retired work status
s9cYou mentioned that your spouse is retired, but is he or she...?spouse retired work status
s11Between you and your spouse, on average whose annual earnings would you say are higher?retired whose annual earnings higher
s12aAt what age did you claim your Social Security retirement benefits?age started receiving benefits
s12bHow satisfied are you now with your decision to start claiming benefits at this age?how satisified with decision
s12cDo you feel you had sufficient information about when to claim Social Security benefits to make the best decision for yourself and your family?had sufficient information about when to claim
s12dWhat type of Social Security benefit do you currently receive? current type of SS benefit receiving