

General information

Question text: For what reason(s) did ^grade12selectednames[cntSL]'s post-high school plans change? Please select all that apply.
Answer type: Check boxes
Answer options: 1 COVID-related change in family finances
2 COVID-related fear for personal health/well-being
3 COVID-related fear for health/well-being of family member(s)
4 Desire to stay closer to home
5 Change in perceived value of higher education
6 Taking care of a family member
7 Logistical reasons (e.g., missed application deadline)
8 Other COVID-related reason (please specify): ~sl078_covid[cntSL]
9 Other non-COVID-related reason (please specify): ~sl078_noncovid[cntSL]
Label: reasons changed post high school plans
Empty allowed: One-time warning
Error allowed: Not allowed
Multiple instances: Yes

Data information for sl078_1_

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