Variable | Question text | Label |
guncont_supp | Overall, do you ^FLOppose[1] or ^FLOppose[2] stricter gun control laws in the US? | Support or oppose stricter gun control laws |
guncont_supp_answer_order | answer order support or oppose stricter gun control laws | answer order support or oppose stricter gun control laws |
guncont_supp_order | Indicates order support or oppose stricter gun control laws | indicates order support or oppose stricter gun control laws |
rate_government_randomizer | Indicates randomization of government group label | indicates randomization of government group label |
rate_occup_a | Nurses | honesty nurses |
rate_occup_b | Police officers | honesty police officers |
rate_occup_c | Journalists | honesty journalists |
rate_occup_d | Scientists | honesty scientists |
rate_occup_e | Lawyers | honesty lawyers |
rate_occup_f | ^rate_survey_randomizer | honesty pollsters, survey researchers, public opinion researchers |
rate_occup_g | ^rate_government_randomizer | honesty conrgress different variations |
rate_occup_order | question order honesty questions | |
rate_occup_questions | question order honesty questions | |
rate_survey_randomizer | Indicates randomization of survey researcher label | indicates randomization of survey researcher label |
source_randomizer | Indicates source label | indicates source randomizer |
source_text_randomizer | Includes methodology text or not | indicates source text randomizer |
source_trust | Recently, a ^FLSource reported that 57% of Americans think that it should be harder to buy a gun in America.^FLSourceText The study further shows that a majority supports stricter rules for gun and ammunition sales including universal background checks.
From what you can tell, how trustworthy do you think these results are? | Trust in Source Experiment |