
Variable Question text Label
lean_affilGenerally speaking, do you lean more toward affiliating with Democrats or with Republicans?Leaned Party Affiliation
party_affilRegardless of if or how you are registered to vote, are you more closely aligned with…Party affiliation
partyregAt the time of the 2020 presidential election, were you registered as: Party Registration 2020 presidential election
regisRegardless of whether you voted in the 2020 presidential election, were you registered to vote at your current address in time to cast a ballot in that election if you had chosen to do so? Registered in time to Vote?
uas318_lean_affilGenerally speaking, do you lean more toward affiliating with Democrats or with Republicans?uas318 leaned Party Affiliation
uas318_party_affilRegardless of if or how you are registered to vote, are you more closely aligned with…uas318 party affiliation
uas318_partyregAre you registered as:uas318 Party Registration
uas318_regisRegardless of whether you voted in the November 3 election, were you registered to vote at your current address in time to cast a ballot in the November 3 election if you had chosen to do so?uas318 registered in time to Vote?
uas318_vote_presIn the election for U.S. President did you vote for:uas318 Vote for U.S. President, 2020
uas331_lean_affilGenerally speaking, do you lean more toward affiliating with Democrats or with Republicans?uas331 leaned Party Affiliation
uas331_party_affilRegardless of if or how you are registered to vote, are you more closely aligned with…uas331 party affiliation
uas331_partyregAre you registered as:uas331 Party Registration
uas331_regisRegardless of whether you voted in the November 3 election, were you registered to vote at your current address in time to cast a ballot in the November 3 election if you had chosen to do so?uas331 registered in time to Vote?
uas331_vote_presIn the election for U.S. President did you vote for:uas331 Vote for U.S. President, 2020
vote_presIn the 2020 election for U.S. President did you vote for:Vote for U.S. President, 2020