
Variable Question text Label
ml001How much, if anything, would you say you know about "Machine Learning"?how much know about machine learning
ml002aComputers that can recognize speech and answer questionsComputers that can recognize speech and answer questions
ml002bDriverless vehicles which can adapt to road and traffic conditions Driverless vehicles which can adapt to road and traffic conditions
ml002cFacial recognition computers which can learn identities from videoFacial recognition computers which can learn identities from video
ml002dComputer programs which show you websites or advertisements based on your web browsing habitsComputer programs which show you websites or advertisements based on you web browsing habits
ml002eComputer which analyze medical records to help diagnose patients Computer which analyze medical records to help diagnose patients
ml002gRobots that can make their own decisions and can be used by the armed forces Robots that can make their own decisions and can be used by the armed forces
ml002hRobots that can adapt to the home environment, for example helping to clean the room or caring for older people Robots that can adapt to the home environment, for example helping to clean the room or caring for older people
ml002iComputers which can make investments in the stock marketComputers which can make investments in the stock market
ml003Some suggest that Machine Learning can benefit society by allowing computers to add to what people can already do, such as diagnosing diseases or making public transport more efficient. Others say they are risks, because the learning process of a computer is not always perfect which can present possible dangers if a computer makes a decision rather than a human. Which or the following is closest to your view about the balance of risks and benefits? risks or benefits of machine learning