
Variable Question text Label
mk004_orderorder mk004 series
mk004aCompetition for students ultimately makes public schools better Competition for students ultimately makes public schools better
mk004bCompetition for students makes public schools more careful in how they use resources Competition for students makes public schools more careful in how they use resources
mk004cStudents in private schools generally learn more than students in public schools Students in private schools generally learn more than students in public schools
mk004dIf too many students leave public schools for other types of schools, the quality of public schools will get worse If too many students leave public schools for other types of schools, the quality of public schools will get worse
mk004eCharter and private schools tend to take higher-performing students, leaving public schools with fewer of them Charter and private schools tend to take higher-performing students, leaving public schools with fewer of them
mk004fSending students to charter or private schools increases segregation among studentsSending students to charter or private schools increases segregation among students
mk006allow public schools pick and choose students and staff based on beliefs, values, or educational philosophy
mk008Considering limited federal funding for public school, which option do you think is best for using those education dollars?

If you are not sure or you don’t know, please use that response option.
best use of federal education dollars