Variable | Question text | Label |
q044 | At your current level of spending, how long could you and your household afford to cover expenses, if you had to live only off the money you have readily available, without withdrawing money from retirement accounts, or borrowing? | how long could cover expenses |
q045 | Thinking about your household’s longer term financial goals such as saving for a vacation, starting a business, buying or paying off a home, saving up for education, putting money away for retirement, or making retirement funds last...How confident are you that your household is currently doing what is needed to meet your longer term goals? | how confident doing what needed to meet long term goals |
qd046 | Checking or savings account | Checking or savings account |
qd048 | Employer-provided retirement account, or pension (such as a 401k, 403(b) or Thrift Savings Plan (TSP), etc.) | Employer-provided retirement account, or pension (such as a 401k, 403(b) or Thrift Savings Plan (TSP), etc.) |
qd049 | Individual retirement account not provided by an employer (such as an IRA, Keogh, SEP, or any other retirement fund) | Individual retirement account not provided by an employer (such as an IRA, Keogh, SEP, or any other retirement fund) |
qd052 | Savings in cash not intended for daily expenses | Savings in cash not intended for daily expenses |
qd052a | Other non-retirement investment accounts that allow you to invest in the stock market (such as a traditional or online brokerage account or annuity) | Other non-retirement investment accounts that allow you to invest in the stock market (such as a traditional or online brokerage account or annuity) |
qd053 | Other financial assets or accounts. Please do not include real estate or housing: ~qd053_other | Other assets |
qd054 | Bonds or certificates of deposits (CDs) | Bonds or certificates of deposits (CDs) |
qd055 | Educational savings plans (such as 529/Coverdell) | Educational savings plans (such as 529/Coverdell) |
qd056 | Cryptocurrencies or other digital assets | Cryptocurrencies or other digital assets |
qd057 | You indicated that you or someone in your household had a non-retirement investment account. How long have you had this account? If you have more than one, please think about the account you’ve had the longest. | how long have non-retirement investment account |
qd058 | Which of the following best describes how your household saves for short-term expenses or emergencies?
Please remember to include automatic savings, contributions that were taken out of your paycheck by your employer, and automatic transfers to investment accounts. | how household saves for short-term expenses or emergencies |
qd059 | Which of the following best describes how your household saves for long-term expenses like retirement or educational expenses?
Please remember to include automatic savings, contributions that were taken out of your paycheck by your employer, and automatic transfers to investment accounts. | how household saves for long-term expenses or emergencies |