qd17a | In what type of industry are you employed?^FLqa17a | type of industry/industries |
qd120 | Which of the following best describes your current employment status? | current employment status |
qd121a | I earned income as an independent contractor or consultant or a freelance worker This includes 'gig' work where you receive a 1099 at tax time. | I earned income as an independent contractor or consultant or a freelance worker |
qd121b | I earned income from a business I fully or partially own | I earned income from a business I fully or partially own |
qd121c | I earned income from an 'on-call' position where I was only called in to work as-needed | I earned income from an ‘on-call’ position where I was only called in to work as-needed |
qd121d | I earned income from a limited time temporary job | I earned income from a limited time temporary job |
qd122 | Do you currently have more than one job? | currently have more than one job |
qd123 | | order benefits have access to through employer |
qd123_order | | order benefits have access to through employer multiple jobs |
qd123a | Which of the following benefits do you have access to through your employer (even if you do not personally use the benefit)? Please select all that apply. | benefits have access to through employer |
qd123b | Which of the following benefits do you have access to through any of your employers (even if you do not personally use the benefit)? Please select all that apply. | benefits have access to through employer multiple jobs |
qd124 | | full time job at least 35 hours each week |
qd125 | | size of organization |
qd125_marker | | correct answer option coding qd125 |
qd126 | How frequently do you mix your personal finances with business finances? For example, how frequently do you do things like use your personal credit to purchase things for the business, or use business funds to pay for something personal? | how frequently mix personal finances with business finances |
qd128a | I changed employers voluntarily | I changed employers voluntarily |
qd128b | I was permanently laid off or fired
| I was permanently laid off or fired |
qd128c | I was furloughed or put on temporary leave
| I was furloughed or put on temporary leave |
qd128d | My hours increased
| My hours increased |
qd128e | My hours decreased
| My hours decreased |
qd128f | My annual salary or hourly wage increased
| My annual salary or hourly wage increased |
qd128g | My annual salary or hourly wage decreased | My annual salary or hourly wage decreased |
qd136 | In the past 12 months, has your ability to work been negatively affected by caregiving responsibilities? | ability to work been negatively affected by caregiving responsibilities |
qd137 | In the past 12 months, did you experience any of the following as a result of your caregiving responsibilities? Please select all that apply. | experiences as a result of your caregiving responsibilities |
qd137_order | | order experiences as a result of your caregiving responsibilities |