
Variable Question text Label

What is your best estimate of the chance that a person with a genetic score for IQ in group ^FLgene_q1[1] has a higher IQ than a person with a genetic score for IQ in group ^FLgene_q1[2]?

If you think the genetic score tells you nothing about someone's actual IQ, your answer would be 50%.

If you think the genetic score perfectly predicts someone's actual IQ, your answer would be 100%.

If you think the genetic score tells you something about someone's actual IQ but doesn't perfectly predict it, your answer would be somewhere from 51% to 99%.

gene section question 1

What is your best estimate of the difference between the average actual IQ of people in group ^FLgene_q2[1] and the average actual IQ of people in group ^FLgene_q2[2]?

IQ is measured in IQ points (these are the numbers shown on the left side of the graph, from top to bottom). Your answer should be the difference in IQ points between the average IQ of group ^FLgene_q2[1] and the average IQ of group ^FLgene_q2[2].

gene section question 2

Imagine that in the future, college admissions offices have access to the genetic scores of applicants. You are an admissions officer at a college that typically accepts 30% of applicants. You receive an application from a student who has a genetic score for IQ in group 9. What is the chance you would admit that person?

gene section question 3a
gene_q3b^FLgeneimage Imagine you (or your partner) are seven months pregnant and testing reveals that the fetus's genetic score for IQ is in group 3. On a scale of 0-100, how worried are you by this prediction?gene section question 3b
gene_q3c^FLgeneimage Imagine you (or your partner) are seven months pregnant and testing reveals that the fetus's genetic score for IQ is in group 9. On a scale of 0-100, how pleased are you by this prediction?gene section question 3c
gene_q3d^FLgeneimage On a scale of 0-100, based on this graph, how important do you think genes are to determining someone's IQ?gene section question 3d
gene_question_ordergene randomized question order (Q1-Q3)

Gene Random Group Assignment
gene section random group assignment
gene_random_level2Gene Level 2 Randomizationgene level 2 randomization
gene_random_level3Gene Level 3 Randomizationgene level 3 randomization