UAS 588


End of year survey 2023

Section Description
Base Base questions
demographics Demographics
yearend Introduction
surveys Surveys
helpdesk Helpdesk
payments Payments
new_2023 2023 Module
partisan Partisanship
elections2023 2023 Elections
fooddescriptions Effect of food descriptions on healthy eating choices
medicare for ages 50 and older Liu and Mattke
genes Patrick Turley
nudge nudge v. sludge Wandi Bruine de Bruin
firearms Firearms questions
closing Closing questions
UAS 588 - Response Overview #
Size of selected sample 13304
Completed the survey 10193
Started but did not complete the survey 108
Did not start the survey 3003
Response rate 76.62%
Timing Distribution
Additional Information
Sample selection All active respondents
Language(s) English/Spanish
Field dates December 19, 2023 to February 28, 2024
Under embargo No
Average Time 26 minutes