
Variable Question text Label
eoy19_aSubsidies for healthy foods so that they are less expensiveSubsidies for healthy foods so that they are less expensive
eoy19_bTaxes added to unhealthy foods like junk food and sugary drinks so that they are more expensiveTaxes added to unhealthy foods like junk food and sugary drinks so that they are more expensive
eoy19_cIncreased spending on government nutrition programs that provide low-income households with money for food (also known as “food stamps”), so that these households receive more money each month for foodIncreased spending on government nutrition programs
eoy19_dWarning labels on the front of food packages that say if a food has too much salt, sugar, or fatWarning labels on the front of food packages that say if a food has too much salt, sugar, or fat
eoy19_eA traffic light label on the front of food packages that shows the healthfulness of the food as ‘green’ (eat as much as you like), yellow (eat in moderation), or ‘red’ (a food to limit or avoid)A traffic light label on the front of food packages
eoy19_fRegulation on the portion sizes of food and meals sold, so that they are not larger than the recommended serving sizes by the Dietary Guidelines for AmericansRegulation on the portion sizes of food and meals sold
eoy19_gLimiting the sales of unhealthy foods like junk food and sugary drinks in public places like airports, museums, parks, and community centersLimiting the sales of unhealthy foods like junk food and sugary drinks in public places
eoy19_hRestricting advertising of unhealthy foods to childrenRestricting advertising of unhealthy foods to children
eoy_01We are interested in how people use the rewards they earn doing surveys with the UAS. Please check off any of the following that apply to how you usually spend or save your UAS earnings.Deposit in a savings or investment account for future use
eoy_02_rankingstandard vs daylight saving time rankings
eoy_02aStandard time throughout the year with no change in clocksranking for: Standard time throughout the year with no change in clocks
eoy_02bDaylight saving time throughout the year with no change in clocksranking for: Daylight saving time throughout the year with no change in clocks
eoy_02cStandard time from November through March and Daylight saving time the rest of the timeranking for: Standard time from Nov-March and Daylight saving time the rest
eoy_20How grateful are you with how things are going in your life right now?How grateful are you with how things are going in your life right now?
eoy_22To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

I have core beliefs and views about myself that would be difficult to change.
 I have core beliefs and views about myself that would be difficult to change
eoy_23Think back to a time when another person or other people made you feel like they disapproved of you or viewed you negatively. How did that make you feel?Time of negative view
eoy_24You have undoubtedly heard about different mental illnesses people may have. Some are more common than others.

Which mental illness from the ones below are you least familiar with or know the least about?
You have undoubtedly heard about different mental illnesses people may have. Some are more common than others.
eoy_25Do you think mental illnesses can be as disabling as physical illnesses or injuries?Do you think mental illnesses can be as disabling as physical illnesses or injuries?
eoy_26What types of natural disasters, if any, affected you and your household in 2023?  (Check all that apply)Wildfire
eoy_27Were you and your household asked to evacuate your home for 2 or more days due to a natural disaster in 2023?Evacuation order
eoy_28Which of the following steps have you or your household taken to prepare for natural disaster(s) (wildfire, mudslide, earthquake, hurricane, tornado, volcanic eruption)?  (please select all that apply)Stored extra food and water
eoy_29This year we found a new way to present survey findings to you in your study page.  Do you remember seeing the “UAS Spotlight” tab on your study pages?Saw UAS spotlight
eoy_30Did you click on the Spotlight tab in your study page to read the posts?Did you click on UAS Spotlight
eoy_32What do you think of the posts?What do you think of the posts?
eoy_34Please rate your experience with the posts on a scale from 0 meaning an extremely negative experience, and 100 meaning an extremely positive experience. Please rate your overall experience with the posts.
eoy_35Here is a fun question about when you grew up:  About how many books were there in your home when you were 16 years old? Do not include magazines, newspapers or schoolbooks. To give an estimation, one meter/three feet of shelving is about 40 books. how many books in the home
eoy_37How do you feel about Taylor Swift? How do you feel about Taylor Swift?
eoy_37aHow do you feel about Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce's relationship?How do you feel about Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce
eoy_38Many people now use search engines, such as Google, or Artificial Intelligence (AI), such as Chat GPT, to look for information.
Which of the following comes closest to how you answer certain types of UAS survey questions?
surveys with AI
rankcntloop counter variable
uas_spotlightwhether uas spotlight tab was available for respondent whether uas spotlight tab was available for respondent