
Variable Question text Label
q018aHow much do you make before taxes and other deductions at your ^FLq98_1 job, including any bonuses, overtime pay, tips, or commissions? Please select the time frame (that is, per hour, per week, etc.) that is most suitable for you to report your pay. ^FLq98_2income before taxes
q018bPer:time period income before taxes
q027a1Babysittingengage Babysitting
q027a2House sitting engage House sitting
q027a3Dog walkingengage Dog walking
q027a4Yard or lawn care (i.e., mowing, weeding, etc.) engage Yard or lawn care (i.e., mowing, weeding, etc.)
q027a5Housecleaningengage Housecleaning
q027a6House painting engage House painting
q027a7Eldercare services engage Eldercare services
q027a8Providing services to other people (for example picking up their dry cleaning, helping people move houses, running errands, booking travel, or other personal assistance) engage Providing services to other people
q027a9Selling goods at consignment shops engage Selling goods at consignment shops
q027a10Selling goods on eBay, craigslist, or similar websites engage Selling goods on eBay, craigslist, or similar websites
q027a11Renting out property such as your car, your place of residence, or other items you own engage Renting out property
q027a12Driving for a ride sharing service like Uber, Lyft, or Sidecar engage Driving for a ride sharing service
q027a13Responding to surveys, including phone surveys, online surveys, and in-person surveys engage Responding to surveys
q027a14Getting paid to complete tasks online through websites such as Amazon Mechanical Turk, Fiverr, or similar sites (examples of such tasks include, but are not limited to, editing documents, reviewing resumes, writing songs, creating graphic designs, rating pictures, etc.)engage Getting paid to complete tasks online through websites
q027a15Posting videos, blog posts, or other content online, such as on YouTube, and receiving pay (including ad revenues or commissions) as a result engage Posting videos, blog posts, or other content online
q027a98Other informal paid activity or side jobs (please specify): ~q027a98_other engage Other informal paid activity or side jobs
q027a_orderorder q027a series
q028aWhen did you last engage in any of these informal paid activities or side jobs?when last engage in any of informal paid activities or side jobs
q031b1Babysitting$ per month Babysitting
q031b2House sitting $ per month House sitting
q031b3Dog walking$ per month Dog walking
q031b4Yard or lawn care (i.e., mowing, weeding, etc.) $ per month Yard or lawn care (i.e., mowing, weeding, etc.)
q031b5Housecleaning$ per month Housecleaning
q031b6House painting $ per month House painting
q031b7Eldercare services $ per month Eldercare services
q031b8Providing services to other people (for example picking up their dry cleaning, helping people move houses, running errands, booking travel, or other personal assistance) $ per month Providing services to other people
q031b9Selling goods at consignment shops $ per month Selling goods at consignment shops
q031b10Selling goods on eBay, craigslist, or similar websites $ per month Selling goods on eBay, craigslist, or similar websites
q031b11Renting out property such as your car, your place of residence, or other items you own $ per month Renting out property
q031b12Driving for a ride sharing service like Uber, Lyft, or Sidecar $ per month Driving for a ride sharing service
q031b13Responding to surveys, including phone surveys, online surveys, and in-person surveys $ per month Responding to surveys
q031b14Getting paid to complete tasks online through websites such as Amazon Mechanical Turk, Fiverr, or similar sites (examples of such tasks include, but are not limited to, editing documents, reviewing resumes, writing songs, creating graphic designs, rating pictures, etc.)$ per month Getting paid to complete tasks online through websites
q031b15Posting videos, blog posts, or other content online, such as on YouTube, and receiving pay (including ad revenues or commissions) as a result $ per month Posting videos, blog posts, or other content online
q031b98^q027a98_other $ per month Other informal paid activity or side jobs
q032bYou indicated that you are currently engaged in informal paid activities or side jobs. What are the reasons why you are currently engaged in these informal paid activities or side jobs?
  • Please select all that apply.
To earn money as a primary source of income
q032b_orderorder reasons currently engaged in informal paid activities or side job
q034How do you think the average pay you receive for informal paid activities or side jobs compares to your pay from a formal job for the same amount of time? how compare average pay informal work to formal job
q037Twelve months from now, how much time do you expect to devote to informal paid activities or side jobs compared to today?how much time expect devote to informal paid activities or side jobs compared to today
q039Have you experienced any of the following negative economic events in the past 24 months?
  • Please select all that apply.
I lost a job
q040Was your decision to participate or not in informal work (including survey-taking) influenced by a negative economic event(s) that you and/or your partner experienced in the past 2 years?decision participate informal work influenced by negative economic events
q099Think about your ^FLq98_1 job, and your monthly essential expenses.

Essential expenses include - but are not limited to - housing, food, utilities, car expenses, childcare, debt payments, and insurance or medical needs.

Does your average monthly take-home pay of your main job cover your monthly essential expenses?
average monthly take-home pay of main job cover monthly essential expenses