
Variable Question text Label
q008What best describes your current employment situation? Please select only one. current employment situation
q008_randomizerIndicates q008b versus q008c randomizerq008b versus q008c randomizer
q008aYou reported that you currently do not have a job. What are the reasons why you do not have a job?
  • Check all that apply
Lost a job and have not been able to find new work since then
q008a_orderorder why not have job
q008b1My pay increasedremain if pay increased
q008b2I received additional benefits (e.g., paid time off, health insurance, childcare assistance)remain if received additional benefits
q008b3I received additional training remain if received additional training
q008b4My workload was more manageableremain if workload was more manageable
q008b5I received more support from my supervisor remain if received more support from supervisor
q008b6I felt that I belonged remain if felt that belonged
q008b_orderorder q008b series
q008c1My pay decreasedremain if pay decreased
q008c2My employer removed one or more benefits (e.g., paid time off, health insurance, childcare assistance)remain if employer removed one or more benefits
q008c3I did not receive the necessary training I need for my jobremain if not receive the necessary training need for job
q008c4My workload increasedremain if workload increases
q008c5I received less support from my supervisor remain if received less support from supervisor
q008c6I experienced discrimination while working on the jobremain if experience discrimination while working on job
q008c_orderorder q008c series
  • Please enter a number in the box below.
how many jobs