
Variable Question text Label
preload_sl122Did ^selectednames[selectedchild] take any state standardized tests last school year (2021-2022)? preloaded selected child take any standardized test 2021-2022
preload_sl124Have you received ^selectednames[selectedchild]'s results? preloaded selected child received results standardized test 2021-2022
preload_uas475_endtimepreloaded endtime uas475
sl122Did ^selectednames[selectedchild] take any state standardized tests last school year (2021-2022)? selected child take any standardized test 2021-2022
sl123Why not?why not selected child take any standardized test
sl124Have you received ^selectednames[selectedchild]'s results^FLsl124? selected child received results standardized test
sl125In which subject areas did you receive results (please check all that apply)?selected child received results in what areas standardized test
sl126Have you read or looked over the results (with or without ^selectednames[selectedchild])?selected child read results standardized test
sl127In math, was ^selectednames[selectedchild]:selected child math results standardized test
sl128In reading/writing, was ^selectednames[selectedchild]:selected child reading/writing results standardized test
sl129In science, was ^selectednames[selectedchild]:selected child science results standardized test
sl130In social studies, was ^selectednames[selectedchild]:selected child social studies results standardized test
sl131Why have you not received ^selectednames[selectedchild]'s results?selected child why not received results standardized test
sl132How easy or hard were the score reports to understand? understand test results