wk2_001a | If Democrats win a majority of seats in the House, how likely do you think it is that Congress will enact this agenda? | how likely enact Democracic agenda |
wk2_001b | Would you support or oppose Congress enacting this agenda? | support Democratic agenda |
wk2_002a | If Republicans retain a majority in Congress, how likely do you think it is that Congress will enact this agenda? | how likely enact Republican agenda |
wk2_002b | Would you support or oppose Congress enacting this agenda? | support Republican agenda |
wk2_003 | Between the two scenarios, please select which one of the two you would you LEAST like to see happen: | least like to happen |
wk2_a_order | | order how likely |
wk2_a_randomizer | Indicates how likely order | indicates how likely order |
wk2_b_order | | order support, oppose |
wk2_b_randomizer | Indicates support, oppose order | indicates support, oppose order |
wk2_question_order | Indicates order of agenda asked about | order of agenda |