
Variable Question text Label
arm1_002arm 1 missing goals
arm1_goal1To be better off than my peers
arm1_goal2To pay for personal self-improvement
arm1_goal3To experience the excitement of investing
arm1_goal4To start a new business
arm1_goal5To buy a house
arm1_goal6To help pay for kids' college education
arm1_goal7To stop working and do something I love
arm1_goal8To go on a dream vacation
arm1_goal9To relocate in retirement
arm1_goal10To care for my aging parents
arm1_goal11To give to charity or other causes I care about
arm1_goal12To feel secure about my finances in retirement
arm1_goal13To feel secure about my current finances
arm1_goal14To leave an inheritance to my loved ones
arm1_goal15To retire early
arm1_goal16To pay for future medical expenses
arm1_goal17To not be a financial burden to my family as I grow older
arm1_goals_orderorder of goals
arm2_001_least_answerLeast importantscenario least important
arm2_001_most_answerMost importantscenario most important
arm3_001arm 3 goals
arm3_goal1To be better off than my peers
arm3_goal2To pay for personal self-improvement
arm3_goal3To experience the excitement of investing
arm3_goal4To start a new business
arm3_goal5To buy a house
arm3_goal6To help pay for kids' college education
arm3_goal7To stop working and do something I love
arm3_goal8To go on a dream vacation
arm3_goal9To relocate in retirement
arm3_goal10To care for my aging parents
arm3_goal11To give to charity or other causes I care about
arm3_goal12To feel secure about my finances in retirement
arm3_goal13To feel secure about my current finances
arm3_goal14To leave an inheritance to my loved ones
arm3_goal15To retire early
arm3_goal16To pay for future medical expenses
arm3_goal17To not be a financial burden to my family as I grow older
arm3_goal18Extra 1
arm3_goal19Extra 2
arm3_goal20Extra 3
arm3_goals_orderorder of goals arm 3
investor_goal1Helps me stay in control of my emotions
investor_goal2Has a good reputation and positive reviews
investor_goal3Is knowledgeable on tax consequences of investing
investor_goal4Can help me maximize my returns
investor_goal5Is approachable and easy to talk to
investor_goal6Helps me reach my financial goals
investor_goal7Is easy to get a hold of
investor_goal8Has a clear fee structure so I know what I’m paying for
investor_goal9Understands me and my unique needs
investor_goal10Uses up-to-date technology
investor_goal11Acts as a coach/mentor to keep me on track
investor_goal12Presents themselves in a professional manner
investor_goal13Keeps my interests in focus with unbiased advice
investor_goal14Communicates and explains financial concepts well
investor_goal15Has the relevant skills and knowledge
survey_armIndicates survey armsurvey arm
val001Do you currently have a financial advisor?currently have a financial advisor
val001aDo you consider yourself as an investor?consider to be investor
val002_attribute_orderorder of investor attributes