FLCheckEndDate | | |
FLDatePlus2 | | |
FLEndDate | | |
FLEndDate2 | | |
FLSecondSurveyDate | | |
FLSecondSurveyMonth | | |
FLTreatment | | |
ins001 | Did you enroll (or re-enroll) in health insurance in the Health Insurance Marketplace for 2018? | signed up insurance next year |
ins002 | Did you enroll in a plan that is NOT part of the Health Insurance Marketplace? | signed up for non exchange plan |
ins003 | You previously stated that you planned to sign up for your state’s or the federal health insurance exchange. Why did you change your mind? | why not on exchange |
sc002 | State residing | state reside |
signedup | | signed up marketplace |
treatment | Indicates time frame intro reward | treatment intro |