
Variable Question text Label
hf_1All in all, how satisfied would say you are with your job – very satisfied, somewhat satisfied, not too satisfied, or not at all satisfied?JOB SATISFACTION
hf_2How satisfied would say you are with the pay you currently receive – very satisfied, somewhat satisfied, not too satisfied, or not at all satisfied?SATISFACTION WITH PAY
hf_3How satisfied would say you are with your job security – very satisfied, somewhat satisfied, not too satisfied, or not at all satisfied?SATISFACTION WITH JOB SECURITY
hf_4On your job, are you a member of a labor union or employee association?MEMBER OF UNION
hf_5On your job, are you covered by a union or employee association contract?COVERED BY UNION
hf_6Do you pay any fees or membership dues to this labor union or employee association?PAY ANY FEES TO LABOR UNION
hf_7If an election were held tomorrow to decide whether your workplace would be unionized or not, do you think you would definitely vote for a union, probably vote for a union, probably vote against a union, or definitely vote against a union?VOTE FOR OR AGAINST UNION REPRESENTATION
hf_8What is your reaction to the statement that “Unions improve the wages and working conditions of workers.” Do you agree strongly, agree somewhat, disagree somewhat, or disagree strongly?REACTION TO UNION STATEMENT
hf_empcheckLast time we asked, you provided the following information about your working situation:


Is this information still correct?
hf_emptypeAre you employed by government, by a private company, a nonprofit organization, or are you self-employed?EMPLOYMENT TYPE
hf_govAt which level of government are you employed?GOVERNMENT EMPLOYMENT LEVEL
hf_hoursworkHow many hours per week do you work?HOURS WORKED PER WEEK
hf_indIn what type of industry are you employed?TYPE OF INDUSTRY
hf_laborstatusWhat is your labor force status? Please choose all that apply.Currently working
hf_occWhich of the following categories best describes your occupation?OCCUPATION DESCRIPTION
hf_workfullpartDo you work full time or part-time?WORK FULL OR PART TIME