
Variable Question text Label
jd3_4orderrandomization for jd3 and jd4 order
jd_1In the last few weeks, how closely have you been following the news about Donald Trump and his administration? Have you been following the news…FOLLOWING NEWS ABOUT TRUMP
jd_1aWhat is the percent chance that you will vote in the November 2018 election for the U.S. House of Representatives?LIKELIHOOD OF VOTING FOR CONGRESS
jd_1bIf the 2018 election for the U.S. House of Representatives were being held today, which party’s candidate would you vote for in your district?GENERIC CONGRESSIONAL
jd_1cAs of now, do you lean more toward voting for a ^jd_1b_order[1] or a ^jd_1b_order[2] or another party’s candidate in your district?CONGRESSIONAL LEAN
jd_2_confusedThese days, when you follow the news about Donald Trump and his administration from your favorite or most trusted news source(s), how often does the news make you feel confused about what is really going on?feelings about Trump news--confused about what is really going on
jd_2_disgustedThese days, when you follow the news about Donald Trump and his administration from your favorite or most trusted news source(s), how often does the news make you feel disgusted?feelings about Trump news--disgusted
jd_2_hopefulThese days, when you follow the news about Donald Trump and his administration from your favorite or most trusted news source(s), how often does the news make you feel hopeful?feelings about Trump news--hopeful
jd_2_outragedThese days, when you follow the news about Donald Trump and his administration from your favorite or most trusted news source(s), how often does the news make you feel outraged?feelings about Trump news--outraged
jd_2_pleasedThese days, when you follow the news about Donald Trump and his administration from your favorite or most trusted news source(s), how often does the news make you feel pleased?feelings about Trump news--pleased
jd_2_satisfiedThese days, when you follow the news about Donald Trump and his administration from your favorite or most trusted news source(s), how often does the news make you feel satisfied?feelings about Trump news--satisified
jd_2_tiredThese days, when you follow the news about Donald Trump and his administration from your favorite or most trusted news source(s), how often does the news make you feel tired of partisan coverage?feelings about Trump news--tired of partisan coverage
jd_2_worriedThese days, when you follow the news about Donald Trump and his administration from your favorite or most trusted news source(s), how often does the news make you feel worried?feelings about Trump news--worried
jd_3Which of the following statements comes closest to how the news about Donald Trump and his administration that you hear from your favorite or most trusted news source(s) makes you feel about voting in this year’s “midterm” elections?

The news I hear from my favorite or most trusted news sources...
how trusted news about Trump/administration makes you feel about voting in midterm elections
jd_4Which of the following statements comes closest to how the news about Donald Trump and his administration that you hear from news sources you do not trust makes you feel about voting in this year’s “midterm” elections?

The news I hear from sources I do not trust...
how untrusted news about Trump/administration makes you feel about voting in midterm elections
jd_source4National newspapers (e.g. New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, USA Today)TRUST OF SOURCE--NATIONAL NEWSPAPERS
jd_source5Regional, local or hometown newspapersTRUST OF SOURCE--LOCAL NEWSPAPERS
jd_source6National Public Radio (NPR)TRUST OF SOURCE--NPR
jd_source7Public televisionTRUST OF SOURCE--TELEVISION
jd_source8The Trump AdministrationTRUST OF SOURCE--TRUMP ADMINISTRATION
jd_source9Your congressional representativeTRUST OF SOURCE--CONGRESSIONAL REPRESENTATIVE