
Variable Question text Label
ssfl001Have you heard of the Santa Susana Field Laboratory (also known as Rocketdyne) before?heard of the Santa Susana Field Laboratory (also known as Rocketdyne) before
ssfl002In what year did you move to the home (e.g., house, condo, apartment, ADU) where you currently live?year move to home (e.g., house, condo, apartment, ADU) currently live
ssfl003Do you or someone in your household rent or own your home?rent or own home
ssfl004Do you plan on living in your current home for at least the next five years? plan on living in current home for at least next five years
ssfl005For the following question, please indicate how close you feel like you live to the Santa Susana Field Laboratory (without calculating the actual distance to it from where you live).

For me, when thinking about the Santa Susana Field Laboratory...
how close feel like live to Santa Susana Field Laboratory
ssfl006aWhen I think about the contamination, I worry about what living in my home will mean for me in the future. When I think about the contamination, I worry about what living in my home will mean for me in the future.
ssfl006bUncertainty about the effects of living near the contamination scares me. Uncertainty about the effects of living near the contamination scares me.
ssfl006cLiving near the contamination doesn't scare me. Living near the contamination doesn't scare me.
ssfl006dI am scared that I will need to leave my home because of the contamination.I am scared that I will need to leave my home because of the contamination.
ssfl006eI am worried that the local environment will never fully recover no matter what is done to try and clean up the contamination. I am worried that the local environment will never fully recover no matter what is done to try and clean up the contamination.
ssfl006fI feel carefree when I think about the contamination.I feel carefree when I think about the contamination.
ssfl007On a scale of -5 to 5, where -5 represents a strong desire to move and 5 represents a strong desire to stay, please click on and move the slider to represent how you feel about where you live.desire to stay where live
ssfl007aOn a scale of -5 to 5, where -5 represents feeling trapped and unable to move and 5 represents feeling free and able to move, please click on and move the slider to represent how you feel about your ability to move out of your home whenever you want.ability to leave where live
ssfl008aI could solve most problems related to the contamination if I put in the effort. I could solve most problems related to the contamination if I put in the effort.
ssfl008bI am confident that I could efficiently handle unexpected events caused by the contamination. I am confident that I could efficiently handle unexpected events caused by the contamination.
ssfl008cI could remain calm when facing difficulties posed by the contamination. I could remain calm when facing difficulties posed by the contamination.
ssfl008dI could resourcefully handle unexpected situations caused by the contamination. I could resourcefully handle unexpected situations caused by the contamination.
ssfl008eI could find more than one solution to a problem caused by the contamination.I could find more than one solution to a problem caused by the contamination.
ssfl009aWhat activities have you done, if any, to specifically avoid contamination from the Santa Susana Field Laboratory? Stopped eating fruits, vegetables, and/or herbs grown in my yard.
ssfl009bHad you known about the Santa Susana Field Laboratory, what activities, if any, would you have done to specifically avoid the contamination?Stopped eating fruits, vegetables, and/or herbs grown in my yard.
ssfl010aNot eating fruits, vegetables, and/or herbs grown at home. Not eating fruits, vegetables, and/or herbs grown at home.
ssfl010bNot eating farm fresh produce from local farms. Not eating farm fresh produce from local farms.
ssfl010cNot hiking on trails near the Santa Susana Field Laboratory. Not hiking on trails near the Santa Susana Field Laboratory.
ssfl010dLeaving shoes outside the home to avoid bringing in dust and dirt. Leaving shoes outside the home to avoid bringing in dust and dirt.
ssfl010eFiltering tap water or using bottled water for drinking and cooking. Filtering tap water or using bottled water for drinking and cooking.
ssfl010fAvoiding time outside around the home, especially during rain and wind. Avoiding time outside around the home, especially during rain and wind.
ssfl010gUsing an air purifier in the home. Using an air purifier in the home.
ssfl010hTesting the soil for chemicals and contaminants.Testing the soil for chemicals and contaminants.
ssfl010i^ssfl009a_otherother did how effective
ssfl010j^ssfl009b_otherother would do how effective
ssfl011aWhich activities have you done, if any, to share your concerns about contamination from the Santa Susana Field Laboratory?Participated in a protest or public demonstration.
ssfl011bHad you known about the Santa Susana Field Laboratory, which activities would you have done, if any, to share your concerns about the contamination?Participated in a protest or public demonstration.
ssfl012aParticipating in a protest or public demonstration. Participating in a protest or public demonstration.
ssfl012bAttending a city council or neighborhood information meeting. Attending a city council or neighborhood information meeting.
ssfl012cContacting federal and/or state representatives. Contacting federal and/or state representatives.
ssfl012dSigning or sharing a petition. Signing or sharing a petition.
ssfl012ePosting on social media. Posting on social media.
ssfl012fDonating funds to cleanup advocacy group(s). Donating funds to cleanup advocacy group(s).
ssfl012gVolunteering with cleanup advocacy group(s). Volunteering with cleanup advocacy group(s).
ssfl012hFundraising for the cleanup efforts.Fundraising for the cleanup efforts.
ssfl012i^ssfl011a_otherother activities done how effective to share concern
ssfl012j^ssfl011b_otherother activities would do how effective to share concern
ssfl013Lowering my personal risk from the Santa Susana Field Laboratory contamination would come at...cost lowering personal risk from contamination
ssfl014On a scale of 0-100, where 0 is not at all severe and 100 is extremely severe, please click on and move the slider to indicate how severe you think the contamination is from the Santa Susana Field Laboratory.

Severity of Contamination
how severe contamination
ssfl015On a scale of 0-100, where 0 is not at all risky and 100 is extremely risky, please click on and move the slider to represent the level of risk you think contamination from the Santa Susana Field Laboratory poses to your health.

Risk to Personal Health
level of risk contamination to R health
ssfl016On a scale of 0-100, where 0 is not at all risky and 100 is extremely risky, please click on and move the slider to represent the level of risk you think contamination from the Santa Susana Field Laboratory poses to the health of your community.

Risk to Community Health
level of risk contamination to community health
ssfl017aThe government is effective in dealing with the contamination. The government is effective in dealing with the contamination.
ssfl017bThe government has the appropriate expertise to deal with the contamination. The government has the appropriate expertise to deal with the contamination.
ssfl017cThe government is acting in the interests of its citizens when dealing with the contamination. The government is acting in the interests of its citizens when dealing with the contamination.
ssfl017dThe government keeps its commitments when dealing with the contamination. The government keeps its commitments when dealing with the contamination.
ssfl017eThe government is honest when it comes to dealing with the contamination.The government is honest when it comes to dealing with the contamination.
ssfl018When thinking about the Santa Susana Field Laboratory, please select which groups you believe are responsible for causing the contamination. Check all that apply.Boeing
ssfl019When thinking about the Santa Susana Field Laboratory, please select which groups you believe should clean up the contamination. Check all that apply.Boeing
ssfl020I worry about my health. I worry about my health.
ssfl021Compared to other people my age, I notice aches and pains. notice aches and pains
ssfl022Which statement best describes your awareness of bodily sensations or changes? awareness of bodily sensations or changes
ssfl023I can resist thoughts of illness: I can resist thoughts of illness
ssfl024I am afraid of having a serious illness. I am afraid of having a serious illness
ssfl025I imagine myself being ill. I imagine myself being ill.
ssfl026I have difficulty taking my mind off thoughts about my health. I have difficulty taking my mind off thoughts about my health
ssfl027If my doctor tells me there is nothing wrong, I am: If my doctor tells me there is nothing wrong, I am
ssfl028When I hear about an illness, I think I have it myself. When I hear about an illness, I think I have it myself
ssfl029If I have a bodily sensation or change, I wonder what it means. If I have a bodily sensation or change, I wonder what it means
ssfl030I usually feel my risk of developing a serious illness is: I usually feel my risk of developing a serious illness is
ssfl031I think I have a serious illness. I think I have a serious illness
ssfl032If I notice an unexplained bodily sensation, I: If I notice an unexplained bodily sensation, I
ssfl033My family or friends would say I: My family or friends would say I
ssfl034Please indicate what health diagnoses, if any, you have received since living in your current home.Autoimmune Disorder or Immunodeficiencies (e.g., arthritis, Hashimoto’s Disease, etc.)
ssfl035Of your friends and family who live near you, how many have received one of the diagnoses above? Of your friends and family who live near you, how many have received one of the diagnoses above?
ssfl036Please indicate which option most closely aligns with your political ideology.political ideology