
Variable Question text Label
st001aClimate change is a threat to the well-being of residents in Los Angeles CountyClimate change is a threat to the well-being of residents in Los Angeles County
st001bClimate change is caused mostly by human activitiesClimate change is caused mostly by human activities
st001cMy individual actions can make a difference in fighting climate changeMy individual actions can make a difference in fighting climate change
st001dLocal government is doing enough to fight climate changeLocal government is doing enough to fight climate change
st002aSolar panelsSolar panels
st002bSolar water heaterSolar water heater
st002cWind turbineWind turbine
st002dGeothermal heat pumpGeothermal heat pump
st002eFuel-cell equipmentFuel-cell equipment
st002fLow-flow plumbing fixturesLow-flow plumbing fixtures
st002gTankless water heaterTankless water heater
st002hLED or CFL light bulbsLED or CFL light bulbs
st002iDaylights (skylights, light shelves, light tubes, etc.)Daylights (skylights, light shelves, light tubes, etc.)
st002jCeiling fanCeiling fan
st002kProgrammable thermostatProgrammable thermostat
st002lWell-insulated windows and/or doorsWell-insulated windows and/or doors
st002mEnergy-efficient appliances and/or electronicsEnergy-efficient appliances and/or electronics
st002nEnergy-efficient landscapingEnergy-efficient landscaping
st003aRecycle recycle
st003bCompost compost
st003cLimit your car usagelimit your car usage
st003dLimit your water usagelimit your water usage
st003eLimit your electricity usagelimit your electricity usage
st003fLimit your food wastelimit your food waste
st003gLimit or eliminate your consumption of meat limit or eliminate your consumption of meat
st003hBuy or eat locally-produced foodbuy or eat locally-produced food
st003iBuy or eat organic foodbuy or eat organic food
st003jBuy or eat sustainably-sourced food (food produced in an environmentally friendly way)buy or eat sustainably-sourced food (food produced in an environmentally friendly way)
st003kBuy or eat low- or un-processed food buy or eat low- or un-processed food
st003lBuy food with little or no packagingbuy food with little or no packaging
st003mLimit your use of plasticlimit your use of plastic
st003pHang your clothes to dry instead of using the dryerhang your clothes to dry instead of using the dryer
st003qLimit your use of air conditioning, even when it is hotlimit your use of air conditioning, even when it is hot
st004aTax credit for owning or leasing an electric car Tax credit for owning or leasing an electric car
st004bCash rebate for owning or leasing an electric car Cash rebate for owning or leasing an electric car
st004cTax credit for installing solar panels, solar water heaters, wind turbines, geothermal heat pumps, fuel-cell equipmentTax credit for installing solar panels, solar water heaters, wind turbines, geothermal heat pumps, fuel-cell equipment
st004dTax credit for improving energy efficiency of home (e.g. better insulation, appliances)Tax credit for improving energy efficiency of home (e.g. better insulation, appliances)