
Variable Question text Label
discrimination_end_timeend discrimination section
discrimination_start_timestart discrimination section
discrimination_timetime spent discrimination section
ds001aYou been treated with less respect than other people?You been treated with less respect than other people
ds001bYou been treated unfairly at restaurants or stores? You been treated unfairly at restaurants or stores
ds001cPeople acted as if they are afraid of you? People acted as if they are afraid of you
ds001dYou been threatened or harassed? You been threatened or harassed
ds002aYou felt unease in public areas, or worried how other people might look at you?You felt unease in public areas, or worried how other people might look at you
ds002bYou tried to avoid certain social situations or places due to worries about racial discrimination?You tried to avoid certain social situations or places due to worries about racial discrimination
ds002cYou worried about your and your family’s safety from a hate crime or harassment?You worried about your and your family’s safety from a hate crime or harassment
ds003aPeople excluded you from participating in some activities/events.People excluded you from participating in some activities/events
ds003bPeople made a racial slur, called you a name or harassed you. People made a racial slur, called you a name or harassed you
ds003cSomeone made a verbal threat.Someone made a verbal threat
ds003dSomeone physically intimidated or assaulted you.Someone physically intimidated or assaulted you
ds003eSomeone vandalized or damaged your home, car, or other property.Someone vandalized or damaged your home, car, or other property
ds003fSomeone denied you service or told you to leave a store or facility, etc. Someone denied you service or told you to leave a store or facility, etc
ds003gA bus, taxi, or ride-share refused to pick you up.A bus, taxi, or ride-share refused to pick you up
ds004What do you think is the main reasons for these experiences? Would you say it is because of...? Please select all that apply.why discriminated
ds005aWent to the authorities (e.g. police). Went to the authorities (e.g. police)
ds005bAccepted it as a fact of life. Accepted it as a fact of life
ds005cFelt that you brought it on yourself. Felt that you brought it on yourself
ds005dTalked to someone about how you were feeling. Talked to someone about how you were feeling
ds005eSought advice and guidance to deal with the problem.Sought advice and guidance to deal with the problem
ds005fTried to keep your feelings to yourself.Tried to keep your feelings to yourself
ds005gExpressed anger to let off steam. Expressed anger to let off steam
ds005hTried to forget that it had happened.Tried to forget that it had happened
ds005iMade a verbal protest or tried to reason with the offender.Made a verbal protest or tried to reason with the offender
ds005jPrayed or sought spiritual comfort and support.Prayed or sought spiritual comfort and support
ds005kOther, please specify: ~ds005k_other other action taken