discrimination_end_time | | end discrimination section |
discrimination_start_time | | start discrimination section |
discrimination_time | | time spent discrimination section |
ds001a | You been treated with less respect than other people? | You been treated with less respect than other people |
ds001b | You been treated unfairly at restaurants or stores? | You been treated unfairly at restaurants or stores |
ds001c | People acted as if they are afraid of you? | People acted as if they are afraid of you |
ds001d | You been threatened or harassed? | You been threatened or harassed |
ds002a | You felt unease in public areas, or worried how other people might look at you? | You felt unease in public areas, or worried how other people might look at you |
ds002b | You tried to avoid certain social situations or places due to worries about racial discrimination? | You tried to avoid certain social situations or places due to worries about racial discrimination |
ds002c | You worried about your and your family’s safety from a hate crime or harassment? | You worried about your and your family’s safety from a hate crime or harassment |
ds003a | People excluded you from participating in some activities/events. | People excluded you from participating in some activities/events |
ds003b | People made a racial slur, called you a name or harassed you. | People made a racial slur, called you a name or harassed you |
ds003c | Someone made a verbal threat. | Someone made a verbal threat |
ds003d | Someone physically intimidated or assaulted you. | Someone physically intimidated or assaulted you |
ds003e | Someone vandalized or damaged your home, car, or other property. | Someone vandalized or damaged your home, car, or other property |
ds003f | Someone denied you service or told you to leave a store or facility, etc. | Someone denied you service or told you to leave a store or facility, etc |
ds003g | A bus, taxi, or ride-share refused to pick you up. | A bus, taxi, or ride-share refused to pick you up |
ds004 | What do you think is the main reasons for these experiences? Would you say it is because of...? Please select all that apply. | why discriminated |
ds005a | Went to the authorities (e.g. police). | Went to the authorities (e.g. police) |
ds005b | Accepted it as a fact of life. | Accepted it as a fact of life |
ds005c | Felt that you brought it on yourself. | Felt that you brought it on yourself |
ds005d | Talked to someone about how you were feeling. | Talked to someone about how you were feeling |
ds005e | Sought advice and guidance to deal with the problem. | Sought advice and guidance to deal with the problem |
ds005f | Tried to keep your feelings to yourself. | Tried to keep your feelings to yourself |
ds005g | Expressed anger to let off steam. | Expressed anger to let off steam |
ds005h | Tried to forget that it had happened. | Tried to forget that it had happened |
ds005i | Made a verbal protest or tried to reason with the offender. | Made a verbal protest or tried to reason with the offender |
ds005j | Prayed or sought spiritual comfort and support. | Prayed or sought spiritual comfort and support |
ds005k | Other, please specify: ~ds005k_other
Please write a brief description of the other thing(s) you did.
Please select the Yes answer choice to the right if you specified other thing(s) you did in the text box.
| other action taken |