
Variable Question text Label
cr026_orderorder cr026 series
cr026aDrank alcoholpast days Drank alcohol
cr026a2In the past seven days, how many alcoholic drinks did you have on a typical day when you drank alcohol?how many alcoholic drinks on typical day
cr026bUsed cannabis products such as marijuanapast days Used cannabis products such as marijuana
cr026cUsed recreational drugs other than alcohol or cannabis productspast days Used recreational drugs other than alcohol or cannabis products
cr026lSmoked all or part of a cigarettepast days Smoked all or part of a cigarette
cr026mUsed an e-cigarette or vaping device to vape e-liquids with nicotinepast days Used an e-cigarette or vaping device to vape e-liquids with nicotine
cr027aFeeling nervous, anxious, or on edgehow often Feeling nervous, anxious, or on edge
cr027bNot being able to stop or control worryinghow often Not being able to stop or control worrying
cr027cFeeling down, depressed, or hopelesshow often Feeling down, depressed, or hopeless
cr027dLittle interest or pleasure in doing thingshow often Little interest or pleasure in doing things
cr050fIn the past seven days, on how many days did you drink 4 or more alcoholic beverages within a couple of hours?

female 4 or more alcoholic beverages within a couple of hours
cr050mIn the past seven days, on how many days did you drink 5 or more alcoholic beverages within a couple of hours?

male 5 or more alcoholic beverages within a couple of hours
currentlaborstatusWhat is your labor force status? Please choose all that apply. current labor status