Variable | Question text | Label |
FL_sec3_004 | ||
FL_sec3_005 | ||
FL_sec3_005_rnd | ||
FL_sec3_006 | ||
FL_sec3_006_rnd | FILL FOR RANDOM NUMBER | |
FL_sec3_007 | ||
FL_sec3_007_rnd | FILL FOR RANDOM NUMBER | |
FL_sec3_008 | ||
FL_sec3_008_rnd | FILL FOR RANDOM NUMBER | |
FL_sec3_009 | ||
FL_sec3_009_rnd | FILL FOR RANDOM NUMBER | |
FL_sec3_010 | ||
FL_sec3_010Q | ||
FL_sec3_010_rnd | FILL FOR RANDOM NUMBER | |
FL_sec3_per | ||
cnt3 | COUNTER | |
sec3_001a | month last employed | |
sec3_001b | year last employed | |
sec3_002 | How many hours per week did you usually work at your last job? | hours per week at last job |
sec3_003 | What is the easiest way for you to report your total earnings at your last job before taxes or other deductions? | easiest way to report earnings |
sec3_004 | How much did you typically earn at your last job per ^FL_sec3_004 before taxes or other deductions? | how much typically earn |
sec3_005 | The position has the same work schedule as your previous job. It pays $^FL_sec3_005_rnd ^FL_sec3_per. Would you accept this position? | SECTION 3 POSITION 1 |
sec3_006 | The position is 40 hours per week and has a fixed Monday-Friday daytime schedule. It pays $^FL_sec3_006_rnd ^FL_sec3_per. Would you accept this position? | SECTION 3 POSITION 2 |
sec3_006_rnd | Random number for section 3 question 6 percentage | |
sec3_007 | The position is 30 hours per week and has a fixed Monday-Friday daytime schedule. It pays $^FL_sec3_007_rnd ^FL_sec3_per. Would you accept this position? | SECTION 3 POSITION 3 |
sec3_007_rnd | Random number for section 3 question 7 percentage | |
sec3_008 | The position is 20 hours per week and has a fixed Monday-Friday daytime schedule. It pays $^FL_sec3_008_rnd ^FL_sec3_per. Would you accept this position? | SECTION 3 POSITION 4 |
sec3_008_rnd | Random number for section 3 question 8 percentage | |
sec3_009 | The position is 10 hours per week and has a fixed Monday-Friday daytime schedule. It pays $^FL_sec3_009_rnd ^FL_sec3_per. Would you accept this position? | SECTION 3 POSITION 5 |
sec3_009_rnd | Random number for section 3 question 9 percentage | |
sec3_010 | The position is 50 hours per week and has a fixed Monday-Friday daytime schedule. ^FL_sec3_010Q Would you accept this position? | SECTION 3 POSITION 6 |
sec3_010_rnd | Random number for section 3 question 10 percentage | |
sec3_FL_partner | ||
sec3_FL_spouse | ||
sec3_childunder18_uas79 | Are there children under 18 living in your household? | ANY CHILDREN UNDER 18 IN HH |
sec3_childunder18_youngest_uas79 | What is the age of the youngest child living in your household? | AGE OF YOUNGEST CHILD IN HH |
sec3_livewithpartner_uas79 | Are you currently living with a boyfriend, girlfriend or partner? | R LIVES WITH PARTNER |
sec3_maritalstatus_uas79 | Are you now married, widowed, divorced, separated or never married? | R MARITAL STATUS |
sec3_partnerearn_uas79 | How much does your partner typically earn per ^sec3_FL_partner before taxes or other deductions? | how much partner typically earns |
sec3_partnerhours_uas79 | How many hours per week does your partner typically work? | NUMBER OF HOURS PARTNER WORKS PER WEEK |
sec3_partnerreport_uas79 | What is the easiest way for you to report your partner's total earnings before taxes or other deductions? | easiest way to report partner earnings |
sec3_partnerworking_uas79 | Is your partner currently working for pay? | IS PARTNER WORKING FOR PAY |
sec3_spouseearn_uas79 | How much does your spouse typically earn per ^sec3_FL_spouse before taxes or other deductions? | how much spouse typically earns |
sec3_spousehours_uas79 | How many hours per week does your spouse typically work? | NUMBER OF HOURS SPOUSE WORKS PER WEEK |
sec3_spousereport_uas79 | What is the easiest way for you to report your spouse's total earnings before taxes or other deductions? | easiest way to report spouse earnings |
sec3_spouseworking_uas79 | Is your spouse currently working for pay? | IS SPOUSE WORKING FOR PAY |