
Variable Question text Label
b001How many hours do your actual working-hours consist of including possible over time? Please give an average over the last three monthsactual working hours
b002aPursuing my education or occupational interestsPursuing education or occupational interests
b002bPursuing my hobbies and interestsPursuing hobbies and interests
b002cKeeping in touch with friendsKeeping in touch with friends
b002dLiving in a relationshipLiving in a relationship
b002eHaving a(nother) childHaving a(nother) child
b003Assuming ideal circumstances, how many children would you like to have altogether?how many children would like
b004In your current situation, how many children would you like to have altogether?current situation how many children would like
b005In your current situation, how many hours would you like to work per week?current situation how many hours like to work
b006In your opinion, a full-time working mother at age 25-45:working mother good mother, good worker
b007In your opinion, a full-time working father at age 25-45:working father good father, good father
b008Most people would say, the ideal number of children a couple should have is:most people ideal number of children
b009Most people would say, the appropriate working status of a woman at age 25-45 with a child at day-care age is:mother appropriate working status
b010Most people would say, the appropriate working status of a man at age 25-45 with a child at day-care age is:father appropriate working status
b011Most people would say, the appropriate working status of a woman without children at age 25-45 is:woman no children appropriate working status
b012Most people would say, the appropriate working status of a man without children at age 25-45 is:man no children appropriate working status
b013Most people would say, a full-time working woman at age 20-45 with a child at day-care age:most people working mother good mother, good worker
b014Most people would say, a full-time working man at age 20-45 with a child at day-care age:most people working father good father, good father
b015A child aged under 6 will suffer from having a working motherCHILD WORKING MOTHER WILL SUFFER
b016Women should be more concerned about their family than about their careerWOMAN SHOULD BE MORE CONCERNED ABOUT FAMILY
b017Grandparents should help parents take care of their children while they are still smallGRANDPARENTS SHOULD HELP WHEN KIDS ARE SMALL
b018Parents should support adult children financially if necessaryPARENTS SHOULD SUPPORT ADULT CHILDREN FINANCIALLY