
Variable Question text Label
RF001ACost (low prices, family deals)COST
RF001BConvenience (close to home, fast service)CONVENIENCE
RF001CFood cravingsFOOD CRAVINGS
RF001DLarge portion sizesLARGE PORTIONS
RF001ERecommendations from family, friends, or social media (Yelp, Zagat)RECOMMENDATIONS
RF001FWhether healthy options are available (e.g., low sodium, small portion sizes)HEALTHY OPTIONS AVAILABLE
RF001GEnvironment (clean, family friendly, etc.)ENVIRONMENT
RF002AFood cravingFOOD CRAVING
RF002AhealthNumber of caloriesCALORIES
RF002BHunger level: the portion is big enough to make me satisfiedHUNGER LEVEL
RF002BhealthFat contentFAT CONTENT
RF002CRecommendations by family, friend, server, etc.RECOMMENDATIONS
RF002ChealthSalt contentSALT CONTENT
RF002DHealthfulness of the dish (low calories, low fat, or low salt)HEALTHFULNESS
RF002DhealthSugar contentSUGAR CONTENT
RF002ESmaller portion size (so I don't eat too much)SMALLER PORTIONS
RF002EhealthNumber of fruits and vegetablesFRUITS AND VEGETABLES
RF002FCost (low prices, coupon, family deal)COST
RF002FhealthFresh (less processed) ingredientsFRESH
RF002GA dish I've never tried beforeDISH NEVER TRIED
RF002GhealthOrganic ingredientsORGANIC INGREDIENTS
RF002HA dish that I could not/would not want to prepare at homeDISH NOT PREPARED AT HOME
RF002HhealthLocal ingredientsLOCAL INGREDIENTS
RF002IA dish that I usually orderDISH USUALLY ORDER
RF003How often are reduced-size portions (half sizes, smaller size portions) available on the menu of restaurants you typically go to?REDUCED SIZE PORTIONS ON MENU
RF004When available on the menu, how often do you order reduced-sized portions?ORDER REDUCED SIZE PORTIONS
RF005How often are children's meals available on the menu of the restaurants you typically go to?CHILDRENS MEALS AVAILABLE
RF006When available, how often do you order children's meals for your children?HOW OFTEN ORDER CHILDRENS MEALS
RF007In general, how healthy are the children's meals at the restaurants you typically visit?HEALTH OF CHILDRENS MEALS
RF008When available, how often do you order healthy items for your children (for example, apples instead of French Fries or milk instead of soda)?ORDERING HEALTHY ITEMS FOR CHILDREN
RF009How much say/choice does ^hhmemberfirstname[cnt001] have when deciding what ^FLRF009[cnt001] eats at restaurants?CHILD AMOUNT OF SAY/CHOICE
RF010ATaste / what my child wants to eatTASTE
RF010BNutrition (low calories, includes fruits and vegetables, etc.)NUTRITION
RF010DLarge amount of foodLARGE AMOUNT OF FOOD
RF010ESmall amount of foodSMALL AMOUNT OF FOOD
RF010FMeal includes toy or prizeTOY OR PRIZE
RF011AEating out at a restaurant is just as healthy or more healthy as eating at homeEATING AT RESTAURANT HEALTHY
RF011BI have an easier time controlling the amount/portions I eat when I eat a meal cooked at home versus a meal I eat in a restaurant. CONTROLLING PORTIONS
RF011CMeals at restaurants are loaded with unhealthy fats, sodium, and sugar.RESTAURANT MEALS UNHEALTHY
RF011DMeals I prepare at home are generally healthier because I have more control over the ingredients that go into my mealMEALS AT HOME HEALTHIER
RF011EWhen I eat at home I have an easier time controlling the calories that I eatEASIER CONTROLLING CALORIES AT HOME
RF011FI eat out at a restaurant only for special occasions or to treat myself or the familyRESTAURANT ONLY FOR SPECIAL OCCASIONS
RF012AI am a healthy eaterHEALTHY EATER
RF012BI am someone who eats in a nutritious mannerEATS NUTRITIOUS
RF012CI am someone who is careful about what I eatCAREFUL EATER
RF012DI am someone who eats more when sad/depressedSAD EATER
RF012EI am someone who eats more when stressed/anxiousSTRESSED EATER
RF012FI am an overeaterOVEREATER
RF012GI am a meat eaterMEAT EATER
RF012HI am someone who likes meat with every mealLIKES MEAT WITH EVERY MEAL
RF012II am a junk food eaterJUNK FOOD EATER
RF012JI am a picky eaterPICKY EATER
RF012KI am someone who likes to try new foodsTRIES NEW FOODS
RF013ADuring the next month I intend to consume healthier foods more often than I do now.INTENTION TO PURCHASE HEALTHY FOODS
RF013BEating healthy (e.g. more fruits/vegetables, less sugar, less sodium, smaller portions) will improve my health.EATING HEALTHY IMPROVING HEALTH
RF013CMost people who are important to me think I should consume healthier food/drinks.OPINION OF IMPORTANT PEOPLE
RF013DIf I chose to, I would be able to consume healthier foods.ABLE TO CONSUME HEALTHIER FOODS