The Understanding America Study HRS baseline surveys were the first HRS surveys that UAS respondents are invited to. This happened as soon as they have become part of the UAS and had filled out at least 3 surveys in addition to the My Household Survey (Note: respondents who joined the UAS early were invited already after completing 1 additional survey).

As of June 7th, 2019 the UAS HRS Baseline surveys have been replaced by the UAS HRS Wave 3 surveys. Respondents currently participating in the UAS HRS Baseline continue to do so until the entire baseline has been completed. All other respondents who are eligible for their baseline are invited to the UAS HRS Wave 3.

The following HRS surveys were administered in the UAS HRS Baseline:

Note that the above list excludes the HRS 2014 sections H2 (mortgage crisis), I (physical measures and biomarkers), S (widowhood and divorce) and W (Internet use).