

General information

Question text: Did you or a family member/friend help pay for any the following costs or purchases during or after time of ^FLYours time spent in jail,prison, or both (please select all that apply):
Answer type: Check boxes
Answer options: 1 Court fines from sentencing
2 Court fees or costs, including public defender fees, electronic monitoring fees, etc.
3 Jail or prison fees, including cost of stay, clothing, etc.
4 Commissary purchases for food, toiletries, entertainment, etc.
5 Use of communications or electronic devices while in jail or prison (phone calls, use of computers, etc.)
6 Mandatory probation requirements (for example, anger management classes or group therapy)
7 None of the above
8 Other (please explain): ~fi004_other
Label: pay for any costs
Empty allowed: One-time warning
Error allowed: Not allowed
Multiple instances: No

Data information

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