
Variable Question text Label
fi001Did ^FLYou experience identity theft - someone using your personal information to open accounts, file taxes, make purchases, etc. - while ^FLYou ^FLWereOnly incarcerated?identify theft while incarcerated
fi002^FLWere contributing to your household income immediately before serving time in jail, prison, or both? If so, please indicate which range most closely resembles the much contributing to household income
fi003aDid your household experience any of the following consequences as a result of ^FLYou spending time in jail, prison, or both (please select all that apply):experience consequences
fi003bDid you take any of the following actions to help cope with expenses or loss of income as a result of ^FLYou spending time in jail, prison, or both? (please select all that apply): actions to cope with expenses or loss of income
fi004Did you or a family member/friend help pay for any the following costs or purchases during or after time of ^FLYours time spent in jail,prison, or both (please select all that apply):pay for any costs
fi005Have you or a family member or a member of your household been sending more money since the COVID-19 pandemic started for personal hygiene or health products?sending money since covid-19 for personal hygiene or health products