

General information

Question text: You indicated that you have student loans. There are two types of loans we are interested in:

Federal student loans are issued or guaranteed by the federal government. They can be subsidized or unsubsidized and never require a co-signer.

Private student loans are borrowed from a private lender, such as a bank, institution, credit union, or state, and usually require a co-signer.

Do you currently have a federal student loan, a private student loan, or both?
Answer type: Radio buttons
Answer options: 1 Federal student loan only
2 Private student loan only
3 Both federal and private student loans
4 Don't know
Label: ever taken out federal or private student loan
Empty allowed: One-time warning
Error allowed: Not allowed
Multiple instances: No

Data information

To download data for this survey, please login with your username and password. Note: if your account is expired, you will need to reactivate your access to view or download data.