The opportunity to propose additional questions to the COVID-19 tracking survey is now closed. The last tracking survey was fielded in May 2023.

Add two to three questions to the surveys at no cost!

Since a new survey is launched every two weeks, it is possible to add questions. Given the wealth of information available, adding one or two questions on a specific topic may open powerful new opportunities for innovative analysis. We are interested in new ideas, and are accepting proposals for one-minute modules (about two to three simple questions) that may be added at no cost!

Submissions are screened by UAS staff to verify that proposals meet the criteria laid out below. Proposals that pass the initial screen are evaluated by an external committee (not involving UAS staff) within two weeks of receipt, when possible. The committee recommends to “accept”, “reject”, or “accept conditional on making changes”.

We have currently received 15 submissions. The table below provides a breakdown of the status of the proposals.

Total number of submissions received25
Proposal did not meet the one-minute limit4
Proposed questions are already in UAS4
Accepted for fielding6
Revision requested2
In process

Accepted proposalsTopicField Date
Gary Mottola (FINRA)Measuring and Understanding COVID-19-Related Financial FraudDecember 23, 2020
Dan Cassino (Fairleigh Dickinson University)Masculinity, Femininity and Responses to COVID-19January 6, 2021
Alexander Rees-Jones (Wharton)Examining the Persistence of COVID-19's Impact on Policy PreferencesJanuary 20, 2021
James Chu, Siwar Hasan-Aslih, Sophia Pink, Robb WillerThe Role of Social Norms and Social Judgement In Vaccine HesitancyFebruary 3, 2021
Greg Duncan, Tim BrucknerSocial Gatherings and COVIDApril 14, 2021
Dasom Ham, Tom TallariniImpacts of Long-term COVID Complications on Labor Market Outcomes May 12, 2021

Add additional questions at a discounted rate!

You may add additional or longer modules to the survey as well, at our discounted tracking survey rate. The pricing schedule is straightforward; we charge $2 per respondent for one minute of question time. Since the sample size is about 7,000, one minute of question time in a two-week survey comes to $14,000. Data from each wave remains under embargo to the public until it is complete, during the full 6-week field period. However, authors who add questions have access to the data during the field period, including weighted preliminary files. Preliminary data is useful for analysis as more than 90% of responses are accumulated in the first 28 days.

By proposing and funding new questions, you are supporting the operation and contribute to science for the common good. Just send an email to Tania Gutsche (