

General information

Question text:
Answer type: Radio buttons
Answer options: 1 I understand my life's meaning.
2 My life has a clear sense of purpose.
3 I have a good sense of what makes my life meaningful.
4 I have discovered a satisfying life purpose.
5 I generally feel that what I do in my life is valuable and worthwhile.
6 My daily life is full of things that are interesting to me.
7 To me, the things I do are all worthwhile.
8 I value my activities a lot.
9 I have lots of reasons for living.
10 I have very clear goals and aims for my life.
11 I understand the world around me.
12 I realize my life has a great deal of personal meaning to me.
13 My life as a whole has meaning.
14 My life makes sense to me.
15 I have a reason for living.
16 My life has been productive.
17 I feel a sense of purpose in my life.
18 I can make sense of my existence.
19 My life has value.
20 I understand that there is a reason for my life.
21 My life has meaning.
22 The things I do in my life are of significance.
23 I can make sense of my life.
24 My life has significance.
25 The things I do in my life are of value.
26 I have a clear understanding of what life is about.
27 I have a clear sense of direction in life.
28 I feel that my life has meaning.
29 My life is fulfilling.
30 My life matters.
31 I can understand my life.
32 I experience deep fulfillment in my life.
33 Thinking about my life, I am positive about my future.
34 Thinking about my life, I know where I am going in life.
35 Thinking about my life, I can reach my goals in life.
36 Thinking about my life, my life is filled with meaning.
37 Thinking about my life, my life has purpose.
Label: meaning order in which questions are asked
Empty allowed: One-time warning
Error allowed: Not allowed
Multiple instances: Yes

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