Risky Insurance: Life-cycle Insurance Portfolio Choice with Incomplete Markets
General Information
Risky Insurance: Life-cycle Insurance Portfolio Choice with Incomplete Markets
Joseph Briggs, Ciaran Rogers, Christopher Tonetti
Publication Type
Working paper
We provide survey evidence that individuals believe there is substantial nonpay-
ment risk in annuity, life insurance, and long-term care insurance (LTCI) products.
Using simple statistical analysis we show that nonpayment beliefs predict insurance
ownership and that the insurance ownership rate would be much larger if people be-
lieved there was zero nonpayment risk. To better quantify how nonpayment risk aects
insurance ownership and how dierent features of insurance products aect consumer
welfare, we develop an incomplete-markets life-cycle model of the demand for life in-
surance, annuities, LTCI, and a risk free bond. We incorporate features of real-world
insurance products such as perceived nonpayment risk, high loads above actuarial fair
prices, and quantity restrictions (e.g., age restrictions on purchases, short-selling con-
straints). Both high prices and nonpayment risk substantially decrease insurance own-
ership. Compared to our rational expectations baseline, the welfare loss from sub-
optimally owning zero insurance is 0.4 percent in consumption equivalent units. If the
products had no risk and were sold at actuarially fair prices, the welfare cost of zero
insurance ownership is much larger at 7.9 percent. If subjective beliefs are wrong and
payments are always made, correcting beliefs increases welfare by 4 percent.