Differences in Use and Perceptions of Retirement Planning Information Sources by Race and Ethnicity: Findings From the Understanding America Stud

General Information

Differences in Use and Perceptions of Retirement Planning Information Sources by Race and Ethnicity: Findings From the Understanding America Stud
Richard E. Chard, Matt Messel, and David Rogofsky
Publication Type
Working paper
Research and Statistics Note No. 2023-01
The authors use survey data for 2014–2021 from the Understanding America Study to explore use of and attitudes toward different retirement planning information sources by respondent race and ethnicity. They report on respondents' perceptions of the accessibility, understandability, accuracy, and usefulness of retirement planning information available from social networks, employers, financial planners, the Social Security Administration, and other sources. This research may help in guiding effective targeted outreach to racial and ethnic groups, and in identifying potential barriers to access to underused sources.